Ethically sourced unicycle products

BluntRM emailed Kris Holm through his website about ethically sourced unicycle products and he replied to the effect that KH unicycles are constructed under fair labor conditions in Taiwan, this process is monitored, but the KH leg armor and gloves have more obscure origens through China and it’s unclear what those labor practices are, although it’s unlikely that they would be any better than the rest of the cycling industry, which is to mean poorly. He did say that it was an issue he has with the manufacturers, but since KHU, and unicycling in general, is only a small niche in the cycling genre, they operate within their means to influence positive change.

So in sum I can say you can probably have peace of mind with the unis, but I’m not there yet with the gloves and the leg armor. -Kris Holm

Sad to think my unicycle may have been made by child laborers locked into an unsafe factory too many hours/day.

Everything is a journey and vey few goals are achieved the moment they are envisaged.
At least here you know that there is a process in place trying to improve the situation.

That is more than you can say for a lot of other household, clothing and leaisure items we all probably use on a regular basis.


Then why even start this thread and cast aspersions on the credibillity of Kris Holm?

What did you hope to achieve with this thread?

I am offended.

I am offended that you would take it that way.

I am offended that you feel offended by Gild.

What’s the point of this thread?

To raise awareness about ethical sourcing, or to discuss it.

Didn’t the RSU thread do the same?

I guess there is never enough ethical awareness. Or it’s taken the wrong way. I’m offended.

Just Conversation is not allowed on RSU. Open.

Regurgitating hackneyed cliches and unfound allegations is not neccesarily the best way to start a discussion and raise awareness.

C’mon guys!
There are way too many “offended” in this thread:(

Are you offended? 'cause you better be!

I’m very offended.

I’m as offended as you want me to be:p :wink:
Just to get back on topic, I think It’s a good thread to discuss…
GILD, I think you should be used to “the BTM touch” by now :roll_eyes: … Or was there a second degree/private joke that I completely missed:(

Yes, it’s a relavant discussion to have.
But to misuse a quote by one of the few suppliers who’s actually taking the problem seriously is no way to get such a discussion going.
And I am now done with this thread.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

i think at the price we are used to buying gloves/leg armor KH wouldnt be able to compete if he did it under fair conditions. Why do you think they are made in China?

And this isnt a reproach to KH, no one would buy them if they were made in the US/EU or other richer country, cause they’d be so expensive.


You are completely out of line here. Stop the hallucinogens!! You cannot handle them anymore.

Perhaps you’re trying to sway me from my sweet way of being by launching unfounded attacks on me. Obviously, you cannot back it up, or you would have. There is nothing here I invented. These are the true words of KH, as relayed by BluntRM.

I never claimed the words or message as my own. If you have a problem with this message, it does no good to attack me (the messenger).

Personally, I think KH is making an excellent effort, and it’s very cool he is speaking out on his efforts in this regard. I don’t know what you see here that makes you think KH looks bad, but that’s you, and has nothing to do with me. That’s your idiosyncratic perspective, shared by no one else that I know of.

These SAME words didn’t create any suspicions about KH when posted on RSU (by BluntRM), but JC is a different site with different readers, like you.

On RSU, they talk unicycles, not issues like this.

Hopefully, you can let it go, and stop your threadjack, like everyone else here suggested.


I’m with Gild here. Not only did you post a quote out of context, you also pretty much misinterpreted it in a bad way.

And it seems to me, you’re the one attacking people in this thread.

You’re trippin’