ET: digital information and computers will be obsolete within 20 years.

I got this from a WobblingBear link:

The following message is addressed to whatever extraterrestrials may encounter it. If all goes as currently imagined, an Arizona foundation will finance and direct its communication. This will involve three different media, or modes: radio waves, laser pulses, and numerous—possibly as many as 7,000—inscribed six-ounce synthetic diamonds.
In contrast to the twelve-inch gold plated copper phonograph records in the two Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977, now still progressing through the outer reaches of the solar system towards interstellar space, these diamonds, thanks to our advancing nanotechnology, will have an almost unlimited capacity for digitally expressed information.

It made me think: Information Scientists predict that digital information and computers will be obsolete within 20 years.

It’s like the ETs that get those 12 inch records–where are they going to find a record player?? And have you ever tried to find a stylus or needle for your stereo? I imagine ET going to 57 shops and then just tossing the records without being able to listen to them. Should have included a stereo on the satelite, huh?

Now, we could send a solar powered laptop, but they are practically obsolete in terms of how fast technology is advancing. And you know what happens when you drop a laptop? They can’t get it out of the satelite until after it crashes, adn of course, voila, the computer also “crashes.”