Erin visits Seattle

Erin came down to Seattle from Vancouver for the Juggling Festival. Stev, John, Tom, and I introduced her to some Washington trail riding at St. Edward’s Park in Juanita. We forced her to go on some brutal stuff. She’s a tough girl. We had a great time on a great day. Here’s a photo of Erin, Tom, John, and Steve with his new SH MUni. Following is a shot of Erin, Tom, John, and Greg holding Steve’s new MUni which he quickly snatched back from me after snapping the photo.

Unicycle people are the best. Go see them wherever you go if you get a chance.


Photo number two.


Re: Erin visits Seattle

Same goes for juggling people…

On the photo front, I wish I had a cool digital cam like Harper, but since I don’t, I’ll resurrect this thread a couple weeks from now when my film gets developed, and post the cool shot I think I captured of Harper gapping between two picnic tables, just before the security guard came over to tell him gapping was Forbidden and he best start acting his age.

Well I missed out on the Muni, but I headed over to Seattle Center in the afternoon to see if I could catch a look at Erin. I’m glad I did, she’s quite a nice person (unicyclist and juggler too)!

Steve and a few other members of the Uniques Unicycle Club brought a bunch of unicycles to the Seattle Center to see if any walkers by would give 'em a try. We captured a few unsuspecting citizens. It was an interesting scene. I ran a few off as I looked in vane for a unicycle that would work for the beginner. But a couple of guys, with onlooking girlfriends, tried me out as a coach. One guy was actually pretty good. He was freemounting a 24" perfectly, wearing sandles and shorts. Problem was, he couldn’t ride, but he did go one rev a few times.

Seems like going out to public places like this would be helpful to the sport. Better practice unis would be a big help.

So after all this, I see some cool girl riding a muni and hopping side to side. I figured this must be Erin and made up some lame question like “Who are you looking for”. It turns out we have a lot in common. She thinks freestyle is great training for muni, I think muni is great training for freestyle.

Erin: thanks for coming to Seattle!

Erin and SIJF

Erin is as nice in person as she is on line. All that positive energy just can’t help but come through.

Erin schooled us on speed, those 150’s against our 170’s was no contest. We had to find some mean grades to regain our machismo.

The Uniques hosted the unicycle workshop for the Seattle International Juggling Festival. They put is in an area that was a bit remote from the main activities but we had a pretty good turn out. We brought giraffes, Munis, giraffes, the Coker and a bunch of 20’s and 24’s for people to try, it was a lot of fun.

One unexpectd comment was the uni riders enjoyed experiencing a variety of crank lengths. One of the freestyle uni’s has 102’s, several 125’s and 140’s. The Coker and Muni’s were very popular too.

The SIJF insisted we participate in the Public Show, we were a bit reluctant due to a shortage of members that could stay for the show but the troops rallied. We started off with the three little girls on their 16’s. I know it’s dangerous to lead with your best material.

Since it was a taste of our show and not a full production we decided to go over the latest trends in unicycling. The crowd was about 50/50 Jugglers and the general public. First we brought out the Coker. While Chuck rode it around the 15’x30’ stage we described the uni and all the things people are doing with it. Next we brough out the Muni’s, again explained all the features and did some bouncing around. After John demonstrated a few advanced skills on his Freestyle we brought out the last trend in unicycling: the Handlebar uni. We felt that part of the challenges fo unicycling is convincing newbies to sit on that skinny seat. A volunteer from the audience (about a two month rider) gave it a try, he could mount and the audience loved his effort. I then rode it across and off the stage into an exageraded over the handlebars UPD.

After a failed Giraffe freemount attempt we brough up a new friend I met at the Renegade show the night before. Vaughn from Portland had a slack-rope strung in a portable hammock frame. His uni was a 16" rim only. He free-mounted from the slack rope and tied a baloon animal. (I’ll put up pics later as they take forever on my 56K)./

We closed with the final trend: Trials (make that lame trials). We had built a portable set of three steps at 8, 16, and 24 inches. Thankfully it was a short show so we just did some hopping on them, a few crank grabs, and then up to rubber. (Landed that one but had to immediately hop off).

We wanted to close with a jump over, I can jump over an object approximating a body but I wouldn’t want to subject a volunteer due to the risk of failure. I also think if I landed on JC you all would never forgive me. Fortunately I saw another Trials uni right before the show, it belonged to a guy in the act following ours. Turns out they actually had practiced jump overs so when it came time to ask for volunteers for a jump over there were a lot of hands (and this is after seeing the failed free mount and our lame trials, people just love to be on stage). The “plants” were selected as the volunteers, I set up for a jump over but then turned it over to his partner. He rode across the stage into a huge rolling hop and the crowd went wild. Thank goodness for ringers.

If you are still reading this I have a reason for all this boring detail. After the show one of the general public said their kids loved our demo and actually appreciated seeing a trick like the freemount not work. She thought it was a good lesson that you don’t have to worry about being perfect when you perform.

Then back stage the juggler that did the big finale said we went a long way in openning people’s eyes to what modern unicycling is about.

Thanks to all the Uniques and our friends, old and new, for a successfull uni day.

Dang. I just moved to Seattle two weeks ago and I missed that! Say, where do all the cool unicyclists hang out? I’m being put up in corporate housing at the Harbor Steps, so I’ve been tootling around the waterfront area (mostly just going over to visit my fellow relocatees in Belltown).

In a couple of weeks, I get to move into the house I’m buying, which is right next to Westcrest Park in West Seattle; it looks like there’s some riding that can be done in there…


They’re always one step ahead of me, so just find me and look around :wink:

I just moved from West Seattle, so they might be headed back to that area. Hmm, maybe you are one of 'em?

Re: Erin and SIJF

Thanks loads to Steve, John, Harper and Tom for a most fantastic MUni ride!:smiley:

Riding with some of the northwest’s best unicyclists on some awesome single track … it just doesn’t get much better than that.

What a huge treat for me… it started out with seeing Steve’s new Showard MUni, then getting to take a spin on Blue Shift (thanks for that custom short seat post Harper!) and then hitting the single track of St Ed’s park right behind the amazingly fine MUni man John Childs and urged on by patient and persistent Tom Blackwood who rode so gallently in spite of his back injury.

The boys made me feel so welcome and really, my only claim to fame in the riding department - other than the fact that I had the shortest cranks…

and the smallest tire ('woman’s model???.. who said that?!) was my frequent UPD’s as I tried to keep up with my new riding pals.

Ah never mind though, we had a nice break while Harper bounded about on the picnic tables with energy to burn - really he is like a colt in spring - and then nearly got us kicked out by the secruity person… doesn’t it feel good, in sort of a warped way, to be reprimanded like a teen ager when you’re in your fourth or fifth decade?!.. LOL

The ride was nicely topped off with a display of incredible hill riding by John and Harper as we hit the ‘elevator’. This incrediblly steep drop into a gully and then equally steep rise on the other side puts a lot of the local mtn bikers off but not so for the Seattle crew. What a thrill it was to watch John sidehop his way to the top… you rock JC!

All in all a fantastic ride…Harper is right on when he says ‘unicycle people are the best, go see them if you can’ and if you happen to be in Seattle don’t pass up a chance to ride with some of the best of the best. :smiley:

Thanks again for a great day guys.


Re: Re: Erin visits Seattle

Resurrected as promised, and posted. Who knew that Harpers grew on trees? :sunglasses:

Re: Re: Re: Erin visits Seattle

Greg got us in trouble with the park ranger for that little stunt. It’s always the 50 year olds that you have to keep a careful eye on. :slight_smile:

Way to go Greg! That’s a great shot. I hope I’m that agile when I’m whatever age you are.


Re: Re: Re: Erin visits Seattle

That’s a nice, well timed photo. Now I just have to decide what I want more; to be a “half-century old hottie” like Greg, or gapping picnic table when I’m 50! I hope it’s both. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was just in Seattle a little while ago, and I went to the juggling festival. Actually, I didn’t know there was a juggling festival until I saw all of them. Too bad I didn’t get to meet anyone there.

Wow, that’s amazing, YOU WERE THERE and you didn’t come ride with us or even hang out at the uni workshop!!! :astonished:

Sorry we didn’t have a chance to meet you. :frowning:


Re: Re: Re: Erin visits Seattle

Well done Tom, nice photo… it’s a keeper…(Erin saves it to her ‘cool uni guys’ file).


Great photoshop skills there, Blackwood. Thanks for pasting my head on Erin’s body. She was really flying when she made that gap.

I wish!
