Entirely Useless Unicycling Skills

Check out today’s Ebaumsworld

The video clips change everyday so here’s the link to the clip.

I’ve seen that vid a few times, very impressive

Useless skills? exactly as useless as figure skating (but cooler) :sunglasses:

She rocks…

So eBaum steals another video and plasters his watermark on it. Does eBaum’s World actually contribute anything original to the internet? It’s all content taken from elsewhere and not even any re-editing other than watermarking it.

Of course not, that would require both effort and skill.

I’d disagree with the title - I think they’re very useful skills.

Imagine this:

You’re riding down the road on your uni and you think you see Chuck Norris in the crowd of pedestrians. You simply leap up to 1 ft stand up gliding and take a look over the top of the crowd. He’s there! But he’s running real fast, in circles, to evade detection by early warning radar. Fortunately you’re able to transition into a fast backwards spin in order to keep him in sight.

See, useful.

As I was writing this, it did occur to me that the mention of CN probably brought up traumatic memories for some members of this forum… if you know what I’m talking about then I apologise. To everyone else, think very hard before asking! :wink:

That girl is getting a crap load of attention for what shes good at. And they think thats useless… Those wretches. Seriously. Those skills are entirley useful, she can probably perform and earn a lot of money.


They can’t hear you.


No but you can. Ever here of a thing called venting…

And, by saying this I take it that you think unicycling is useless. :astonished: :frowning:

That’s a shame, because i intended you to take it that i like to make the occassional joke. And I would have to be a very odd fellow to write over 2,100 posts on an activity I consider useless.