Enter the Matrix game

So on my college network someone just shared the new game ‘enter the matrix’…and Ive just spent the last two days playing it non stop. Ive finally finished it (Both the ‘fighting’ parts and the ‘hacking’ parts).

I thought the game was pretty good. It ate up my 256 mg graphics card - I’m glad I payed the extra now!..The gameplay is good, the fighing is pretty cool compared to other games. It uses a ‘focus’ similar to max Paynes bullet time which is cool as well.

In terms of difficulty, I went straight to ‘hard’ and found it challenging. Quite often I would save the game, drop out of the matrix, go into the hacking section to drop more weapons etc. I like the way the two systems move along together.

Now I’ve finished the hacking section as well as the game, everyone at my college who is playing it is now ringing me up and asking me how to finish the hacking section so they can get weapon drops, training and the like…

Now Ive finished the game I still like to go and have the odd fight against some agents. Its good fun and the graphics and moves you can pull off are astounding!.

Anyway, just thought I’d let you know!
Has anybody else played it yet?

No, but I really enjoyed Max Payne!

My brother came back from college for the weekend, and brought his X-box back, with his new game, Enter the Matrix. Although the buttons took some time to get used to, the game kicked ass. At first I played it on Hard, which was quite challenging, then switched it to easy. On easy, your focus goes down really slow, and your health barely goes down. I didn’t make it far, but it’s a pretty good game, once you get the hang of it.