Ha ha ha
Some of my co-workers say the same thing about spending $$ on unicycles.
Ha ha ha
Some of my co-workers say the same thing about spending $$ on unicycles.
I was going to go with Harper lying on the bench, but I guess a Euro sign could work as well.
Jim_Rob seemed to ride a little bit faster with his Harper lying on the bench T-Shirt on…I wonder how much faster I could go with a MPD on? Aw, crap, I think you two just got your first sucker of a customer.
Does anyone in here remember pyramid power?
I’m no expert but I’m fairly certain the Catholic church forbids the sale of “blessed” items. You buy them “unblessed” and you have to take it to the priest or other official and they work Jesus magic on it. Who knows about other churches tho. Maybe some of those evangelecal ministers who skim off the top of the church coffers would be down for selling the power of Jesus.
what about holy water thats blessed and you can buy it by the bottle ?
never had one. they’re probably garb though.
I ripped the idea off of “compassion explosion”
When I was a kid, in the 60’s, on long road trips, our VW only had an AM radio. Often there was not much to listen to, so we listened to this preacher who had a “compassion explosion”, at a Christian revival meeting held at Madison Square gardens. Fortunately, at the time of this super explosion of Jesus love, he had on hand crates of cloths. For 15 $, he would send you one of these cloths, as part of your “passion explosion kit”. Which I presume also contained other great info from this preacher. These must have sold well, as it was a strong radio station, and he was selling them for years. An eloquent fellow, but a bit of a one trick pony.
I sorta think my “pray over the tax money, magic Jesus box” idea isn’t as good as a passion explosion kit. This is a half baked idea. Most of my target demographic never sees the money they pay in taxes. The IRS withholds it, then you can apply to get some of it back. Putting a w2 form in a box and praying on it is problematic. Most wish to lie about something on their form. Even those who don’t, know they cheat as much as they can. My dream of selling fancy boxes to waiters and bartenders is now in serious doubt.
Perhaps I should focus more on Astrology. Maybe I can come up with a device that links Astrology, and homeopathy together. Perhaps a meter that can measure conductivity of distilled water, so that after the homeopathic preparation has been made, it can be tested, and rediluted, until it tests the same as distilled water.
OK, I’m tired of giving you guys free ideas here. How do we link homeopathy with astrology ? Someone help me out.
Unimportant note
I don’t know if this is a response to my joke, but just in case I anger some Atheists or Theists with Atheists friends, it wasn’t serious. I’m an Atheist myself.
I first read your quote of John’s post as talking about ‘arthritis’ instead of atheists.
It took the discussion into a whole new direction, in my head anyway.
i remember around last Christmas something came about in Australia where they were lab tested and the company(ies) where told to inform the buyer that they didn’t actually work before point of sale.
What about after point of sale?
Were the silly customers forgetting to put the batteries in?
There are pyramids in my head!
There’s one underneath my bed!
And my lady’s getting cranky.
Every possible location
Has a simple explanation
And it isn’t hanky-panky.
I have read, somewhere in a book,
They improve all your food and your wine.
It’s said that everything you grow in your garden will pretty fine,
Instead, all I ever get is a pain in the neck and a
Yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap!
I’ve consulted all the sages,
I could find in the yellow pages,
But there aren’t many of them…
And the mayan panoramas
On my pyramid pajamas
Haven’t helped my little problem.
I’ve been told someone in the know
Can be sure that his luck is as good as gold,
Money in the bank and you don’t even pay for it if you fold
A dollar in the shape of the pyramid that’s printed on the back.
It’s no lie.
You can keep the edge of a razor as sharp as an eagle’s eye.
You can grow a hedge that is vertically straight, over ten feet high.
All you really need is a pyramid and just a little luck.
I have read, somewhere in a book,
They improve all your food and wine
And I’ve been told,
Someone in the know
Can be sure of his good luck and it’s no lie.
All you really need is a little bit of pyramidic
– Alan Parsons Project
And don’t forget about professional entertainers!
With pure, unadulterated B.S. of course. The more outrageous the better, right?
No problema. Just a little crusade against disinformation on the subject.
Arthritis has no morals.
True, and they generally prescribe a completely different arm-band for arthritis as well.
oops. stabbed by the point of grammatics.
yeah… But unlike those rubber wristbands, riding a unicycle actually does improve your sttength and balance…
hahaha rofl (if only there was a suibtable emoticon). Do you really think a piece of rubber with a sticker is going to do anything? It’s the placebo effect.
Snakeoil sells because sometimes all the individual is looking for is a bit of hope. It’s very sad. Hope shouldn’t come with a price tag.
Perhaps that’s why I like unicycles. As far as the promise of better balance and health, it’s effective.
I suppose if you wore an energy band as a cock ring, it might have a physiological effect.
Please consult with your doctor if you intend to try it. I understand that there are safety issues!
(I would expect an interesting conversation.
“You want to do what?”)