j’ai une question- puis-je vous le demander sur ces fora? je n’avais pas beacoup d’opportunité de parler en français reccement et, au cause de ca, je crois que ma français est une peu mauvais. mais j’éspere de créer une filme et utiliser la français pour les titres. la question, c’est ca- puis-je dire “rouler ton mono” comme un titre? j’éspere que le grammaire etc. est bon. si vous ne pouver pas lisez cette lettre je suis desolé mais peut-être vous pourrait m’aider? je suis anglais alors excusez moi si des temps en temps je vous demander d’expliquer quelque-chose que je ne peut pas comprendre en anglais.
We, Quebecers, have to learn English, since we live in an english country, but, I just wanted to know, not trying to blast you or anything, why do people in United States would want to learn French…I mean, you’ll never have the occasion to speak French…
That’s not necessarily true. Speaking French is how I met my wife. She was the French tutor at my old community college and I didn’t speak a word… but I soon learned.
its a great tool for seduction…dont u guys watch americas next top model!!!
all those little slutty model chicks love the french guys at the french place or watever…
i’m from the uk. global warming may melt the polar ice caps, submerge london and some of the low-lying home counties, then we’d have to invade our french neighbours in order to satisfy our need for housing.
Because it’s an enriching experience which broardens your mind and helps you to understand other cultures. Also it helps you to understand english, as the two have similar roots. I learnt french and german at school, only used each once since I stopped learning but it was still worth while, more worthwhile than geography or history, which i also learnt at school but have never used.
I took three years of French in high school and haven’t really touched it in a couple of years, but I’m glad I took it. The reason why? So I can read things like this thread and not feel like a complete moron. I’m not saying that those who don’t take foreign languages are morons, I just think it’s good to at least be exposed to other languages in case, say… you want to go to a predominantly french-speaking place and be able to understand a little bit of what’s going on.
ahaha - uhm on another note… i dont really think “rouler ton mono” makes that much sense. people in france don’t “rouler” their bikes so i dont see why they would “rouler” en mono. You can say :“rouler” en mono. BUt that would mean riding on a uni.
funnily actually i cant really think of an equivalent to ride a bike. People in france do their bikes. “Faire du velo”. No sexual references intended. However Faire ton mono sounds bad. Maybe “Faire de ton mono”. but that sounds lame.
I think “rouler en mono” is probably best.
But then again maybe some young french people (that are probably a lot more in the know than me) - will disagree with me
and dont trust canadians they speak funny ahaha sorry but its true.
Please don’t put french and english canadians to the same level ! (quebecers speak very badly, and others speak…ok ) No seriously, we’re not so bad when we actually try to speak…in french. It’s just our normal accent that seems different to your.
But, don’t try to talk to a quebecer in english, we SUCK ! (As you can notice when I write !)
Because it’s the American stereotype to be stupid and assume the rest of the world needs to learn English, so when we meet foreigners who don’t speak English we can get pissed at them for not being bilingual to suit our own needs.
I for one do not wish to be part of this American stereotype, and am planning to learn at least French and Spanish.
your true in the fact that “to ride a bike” is “faire du velo” so for “to ride a uni” should be equivelent but it doesnt work so maybe this is just an exception …there are always exceptions