Maestro, Dave (Gild), Nao, and others worship the rational mind and IQ, like Mr. Spock. [And imagine Mr. Spock’s siblings, the ones who are logical but aren’t so bright]
Call it sour grapes because I keep failing the Mensa exam, but I value EQ (Emotional Quotient) more, and imagination.
Mr. Spock had a very high IQ and was only capable of logic, not emotion. As a consequence, he missed out on experiencing the wonderful world of imagination, attachment, love, etc. We loved him, but he didn’t love us. My neighbor loves her iguana, but her calculating iguana does not love her.
I, on the other hand, have a pretty high EQ but I am not capable of logic. I’m more like a friendly dog. As a consequence, I miss out on experiencing the wonderful world of logic, of relationships with people who insist I should make sense, and esteem.
I’m not seeking your pity. Just wondering where you stand on all this.
Consider the ‘x axis’ being Emotion and the ‘y axis’ being logic, with the upper right quadrant representing valuing BOTH most, the lower left quadrant representing valuing BOTH least, and the other quadrants representing either valuing Logic over Emotion (mr. spock) OR emotion over logic (friendly dog). [I confused myself there]
Careful, if maestro and Dave are correct,
–from the Jesus thread.