Eminent Shutdown Of Michigan Government

Unless a comprmise is reached soon the Michigan State government will shut down :frowning:

Hopefully it’s mostly hype, you know how the politicians like to make us all hot and bothered, (and inflate their own importance). Incidentally I heard that the recent Pennsylvania shutdown went for only a day, and a New Jersey one 10 days. If it happens here I doubt (and hope) most of us don’t even notice.

(and the word is imminent, not eminent):stuck_out_tongue:


  1. high in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished: eminent statesmen.
  2. conspicuous, signal, or noteworthy: eminent fairness.
  3. lofty; high: eminent peaks.
  4. prominent; projecting; protruding: an eminent nose.


Now if only we can get the federal government to shut down. :slight_smile:

I’d prefer the Federal Reserve, as far as I can tell.

Ooooh, scary. This thing seems to happen in CA every other year, including the actual shut-down a few times. It directly affects my wife’s company each time our stupid legislators don’t get their jobs done on time. Then they go on vacation.

It’s definitly gonna shut down. It’s not just hype.
It’s gonna be cool though, luckily there isn’t really anything that will affect me besides the Seceratary of States office getting shut down. But that doesn’t really affect me at all.

Michigan is over-rated.


It has. Several years ago they sent federal employees home because the new budget had not been approved. After the budget was approved, they paid the employees for their day off.

I remember this. My dad was in town visiting me when I lived in NY. We wanted to go to Ellis Island but it was closed, because the federal government had its collective heads up it’s ass. We were down at the place where you catch the ferries to Liberty Island (also closed) and there. There were lots of unhappy tourists from all over the world who had this as part of their plan. We were thinking about the people from around the world who had saved up for unknown lengths of time to visit the Grand Canyon and other federally-run places. Sorry, maybe next time! Thanks a lot.

still no budget…

state employees have been told not to report to work on Monday unless otherwise notified.

Half the cops will be on patrol, lets all get drunk!:stuck_out_tongue:
