echo chrome

have any of you played echo chrome

freakin sweet game that made my brain hurt after a few hours, but i could not get enough… this is the kind of game that will pull me back to the ps3

I played the demo, a little glitchy here and there, but it’s a pretty fun game. I’m more of a shooter person though, so as far as downloadable content for the PS3 goes, I’m happy with Super Stardust HD.

Can’t wait till Tuesday, we get achievments finally, will Echochrome have them???

Haha, now you feel somewhat accomplished and like your many hours sitting on a game meant something.

Some people like to play games, man. There’s no need for that kind of snide self-righteous comment.

I think he’s talking about how we’re getting achievements, and he’s right, they do give you a thing to show off to your friends and feel good about yourself from playing in a virtual world cause you can show off and say, “ya, I got a 20 kill streak in call of duty 4, suck it.” As a gamer, I still think it’s pretty cool, and the way that they’re doing it (like, takes what the 360 had and adds onto it.

Hahaha. I play games too, and still think its dumb. The achievement thing. Of course ill still be like “Yeah, I did this and that, and blah blah <~>” But when I go outside, to school, shopping, unicycling, whatever, those achievement wont amount to anything.

Its all just dumb fun to me.

maybe the demo… I would say more then glitchy that its super sensitive and takes some getting used to…

I dont know it just kinda reminds me of portal in a way. and i freakin loved that game…

as should everyone

Youll like this.