eBook for beginner unicyclists

Hi all!

Apologies for not getting back to you for a while - I was chasing the sun in California!

In my opinion, if you’ve got the drive and some spare time, you’re never too old to learn. It’s great fun and massively satisfying. Though like Samstoney said, fragility may eventually become an issue.

I’ll definitely look at the addition of a piece on how long it should/might take you. I did say that it will take a while, and that slow and steady is better than trying to rush into it. But it’s definitely a valid point nonetheless.

Blueharmony, I advise people to start in the dead zone to avoid the typical twisting and squirming that I’ve seen with so many of my friends (who I’ve pretty much forced to try it!). I think it’s a safer place to start. But feel free to disagree!

Darth Elevator, thanks for the message. I’ve just read it and will reply asap.

Thanks all!
Keep rolling!!

Book looks good

I’ll be looking at that book later (will likely buy it as well)

I’m still learning. I started learning a while ago (had to take a break due to a sprain and labyrinthitis, back-to-back - It’s hard to Uni when the ground feels like it’s spinning around! ) :slight_smile:

Downloaded and read

Just downloaded and read it last night.
Nice job! The instructions are VERY clear! Great job!!

Hi Batou,

Thank you for those kind words. There are still a couple of changes/additions I perhaps need to make, but still I hope it makes the learning experience enjoyable for you. It’s certainly worth the effort!

If you have any feedback at all, I will be grateful to hear it.

All the best,

I’ll be waiting for the PDF. I hate ebooks. However, I’d read it on my computer!

Hi Kool,

If you’d prefer the PDF version, you can get it from my website:


using PayPal, for just £5.

@ everyone else, I’d love some reviews on the Kindle Store or Google Play Store, if anybody’s willing :slight_smile:

Keep rolling!