Ebay advice.

This is inspired by the thread about the Summit Uni on eBay.
I’ve used eBay to sell hundreds and buy hundreds of auctions. (I have the same user name there as here)

If you ever buy stuff on eBay, here’s a couple tips.
#1, !! and I can’t emphasize this enough !!
Bid late in the auction. The auctioneers’ descriptions often urge you to “bid early”, but there are no advantages to doing so. It only shows other people interested in the the item that they have a competitor.

Wait until, literally, the last 10 or 15 seconds of the auction to bid. Someone in the other thread pointed to a website which will bid just a couple seconds prior to the end for you, but I like to refresh once more to make sure some other joker isn’t using the same strategy.

#2, Bid strong if you bid at the last second. Bid the highest you’re willing to go. EBay bids you only one increment over the next highest bidder, and not the full price of your bid.

#3, Trust sellers with good feedback ratings. For example, the Summit auction was run by someone with nothing but positive feedback comments, enough that I would trust them to be straight.

Great Advice! :sunglasses:

that method has worked great for me for all my buying except one… after a 6 day auction I there were no bids on the item and the starting bid was nice and low… I was waiting till the last minute to place my bid and the guy pulled the auction 3 hours early.(he probably figured he wasn’t going to get what he wanted for it) Because I didn’t have any bid in I missed it. now usually i’ll put one bid at the very start(like I did with the summit) then lay low til the last minute…

Everyone and his mother does the bid at the last minute thing. My brother was bidding on some comic books, that were not worth over $10. It was at $10, with only a few quite bids. Last 30 seconds, the item jumped up to over $30 with tons of bids.

I don’t agree - I really figure out how much I’m willing to pay - come up with a dollar amount that I can honestly say, “if someone else bids just one dollar more than this, they can have it and I’ll be happy for them.” Then I bid my highest comfortable bid and go away, relaxed and happy with the universe.