EASY freemount for Newbies really works!

Sweet! I managed 3 successful free mounts using the grab-the-wheel method. My success rate was pretty low (3 out of about 40 tries), but I think that’s probably mostly because I still don’t have the greatest balance in general. But 3 out of 40 is a major improvement, compared to 0 out of the previous 40 attempts. :smiley:

With more practice today and yesterday since my last post, my free mount success rate is now up to about 1 in 4. It feels great to start getting some more consistency in the launch. The times when I do fail is when I launch to one side or the other and only can maintain one or two pedals before falling off to the side.


Thanks to all the examples here I freemounted multiple times on Saturday using the tire-grab method. Having took on the challenge of learning on a 26er I was struggling with how to freemount given the larger wheel. I just got fed up with finding a support to hang onto so I thought I’d finally devote some concentrated time to freemounting.

Previous attempts of having the dominant pedal at 8 o’clock and having the wheel roll back under me just wasn’t working.

Using the method in Megan’s video, I found having my dominant side’s pedal (right) straight down allowed some forward movement and momentum to get up and over the wheel while my right hand goes onto the tire and left foot comes onto the other pedal. Bringing the weight onto the left pedal helps get me rolling.

Ahhhh, the freedom this gives is awesome!

Kava, congratulations on getting the free mount down. Or should I say the freedom mount? :smiley:

The tire-grab method seems like a good way to start, but as was pointed out earlier, there are times you don’t want to grab your wheel covered in mud and dirt and whatever else you’ve rolled through. It’s worth it to learn the regular freemount. You can have your own variation of it as well. For example, instead of rolling my uni up under me, I start with the pedal all the way down, get on the seat, then rock backward a little with my foot on the up pedal to gain my balance. This also lets me get a first push with the down foot - that is, the one all my weight’s on.
But whatever works for you is fine.

Another thank you for the wheel grab method. Got directed to this forum last night and spotted this thread. Tried the wheel grab this morning and it seemed really scary so I decided to try the other methods. None of them were working so I went back to the wheel grab and after about 10 attempts I got it. Now after a few hours I’m getting going about half the time on average. Never thought I’d be freemounting this soon - on Friday the furthest I’d ever got (starting with assistance) was 25m - though with a bit of solid practice I’ve broken through 100m today. The critical thing it seems is that whilst like all uni it’s dynamic, it’s a bit less dynamic than the other methods, and you have a bit more time.


I agree with your latter point: I still use a grab-the-wheel mount on my 29" Muni in difficult terrain where I want to mount into a still-stand before riding off. I find it more comfortable on an exposed trail than a static mount.

In most other instances I will just hop one my uni: I roll-back mount my 24" on the street, I use a rolling mount for my 36", and I will static mount in most other situations.

I think the grab-the-wheel mount is a great way to learn mounting, particularly with a large wheel.


Yes…Over the last couple of days I was able to get this mount more. It is great to not have to walk back to my car or house to remount, especially since my distance is improving. Rain forecast now for a couple of days. I hope I don’t lose it:)

was able to get my first freemount using this today! very wobbly start, but was able to stabilize after 1 rotation on my first 29"

This is still my principle way of mounting my 24" muni. It’s a fun mount.

First successful freemount!!!

I’m phsyched! Nailed my first successful freemount today using this method. I then proceeded to do it again for 3 out og the next 6 times, including my last run of the session.

My problem with the other type freemount is ending up on top of the unicycle with my pedals in the 6-12 position and not really being able to pedal.

This technique enables one to get the feet on the pedals and the standing up motion generates a degree of the forward momentum needed to begin riding.

It is truly an awesome feeling. The key is to really dive over the unicycle like you are trying to dive into the ground.

Does someome have a method to gradually move from the rollback mount to the static mount, or is this an all or nothing proposition? I can rollback mount pretty consitently, but have problems not putting weight on my rer foot when attempting (and failing) a static mount.


I think it’s all or nothing. You have get the feeling of putting just enough pressure on the back pedal to hold the cranks still. You just have to practice until it clicks.

Practicing on a hill or ramp, facing downhill, may help. This makes it harder to roll the wheel back by accident and a little easier to get up and over the wheel. Practice at the bottom of the incline and UPDs off the front will put you on level ground.

This video by MuniAddict shows a good way to practice the motion of static mounting with a couple of cinder blocks.


With a static mount it may help to point the toe of your rear foot down before mounting…good luck :slight_smile:

Wish I could do a roll back mount… :frowning:

For a static mount I think it is worth thinking about keeping no weight on the pedal at all. I sometimes even lift my foot a tad just as I hop on.

Other than that just practice with a backing block or curb until you get the feel. A lot of the problem for beginners as the fear of doing a face plant over the front. A decent block to stop the rearwards movement eliminates that possibility. Once you have a feel for it then you are away, the facing down a slope works too but is less secure for the beginner. I can still have trouble mounting facing up a gentle slope :angry:



still cant free mount, static mount wheel grab mount or any other mount!

I’ve been riding about three years now and can’t do any kind of mount. I can ride as far as I want with no troubles with the exception of the odd UPD. I can’t mount if my life depended on it. Tried the wheel grab and ended up with my fingers jammed between my tire and frame. Curb mounted once. Free mounted once, but I always find myself at the point of no return with both feet on the pedals then it all goes wrong. HELP ME PLEASE! slowest learner EVER! thanx

  • I use two hands to hold the wheel, not one
  • I use gloves and wrist guards to give me the confidence that if I do fall, it won’t hurt. It keeps me less cautious.
  • Leaning your elbow on your knee keeps you stable when you’re standing, but throws you off as soon as you move your other foot onto the pedal. Keep your elbows out.
  • I had to tell myself s.l.o.w.l.y s.i.t u.p. If I got on and could pedal and I threw myself quickly into a sitting position I would keel over. So I had to remind myself to do it in a super controlled slow manner.
  • I also had to tell myself to not ride anywhere one day until I got up.

And for all the muni “you won’t want to grab your wheel when it’s covered in mud” people… We’re just learning to freemount. Why would we be going through mud??? A clothes pin threw me off today :roll_eyes:

thanks for resurrecting this thread. very timely for me. yesterday I finally started hands free curb mounting, getting out of the gutter is a problem still. today I tried a jump mount, got my first shin ding then I found a concrete parking barrier in a handicapped parking spot (appropriate) which helped me practice mounting from level ground without rollback. I’ll don the shin guards and take a shot at a grab mount next time. I need more freedom!