Post your egg pictures.
Here is the best one I made this year. We cooked the eggs wrong and they popped a bit… we made due best we could.
How’d you make that?
We brang a pot of water to a rolling boil and put the cold raw eggs into them. All the shells popped. Some more than others, and the albumen seeped out as they were cooking.
I think we needed to put the eggs in cold water and slowly bring them to a boil. Not much of an egg eater, so I didn’t know.
I used a paint brush and painted the cooked albumen with the egg dye.
o, did it stay like that for long?
I painted some eggs over at Seras house, but we didn’t get any pictures of them, and I dont think they took any of them today, but you’ll just have to trust me that they had some pretty sweet designs on them.
Still looks like that today.
Your Avitar and your egg look extremely similiar…
Can’t be coincedence!