An earthquake is a rare occurence in Nevada… unlike neighboring California, but yesterday we had one. I was doing some frestyle and it knocked me off, it was still shaking when I stood up and figured out what it was. Apparently it was only a weak 4.8. However, a boy at my school(a damn good bassist, to boot) was boating at the time, fell off his boat, was knocked unconscious and drowned. They have yet to find his body.
Weird happenings.
I havent been on the forums the past few days(but I did see my name/pic in OOW 3 times for CMW04), mostly because I bought a new LinkSYS Router, and have been running my brother’s and my laptops through it, and getting a network setup so we can share our 100’s of files of movies/TV shows and anime.
But, alas, I have two weeks off and all the anime I’ll ever need. I also have time to maybe hit up some people in Sacramento or Truckee for Muni. As well as heading to Texas for the 4th of July.
Just letting y’all know… because I know y’all missed me for 3 days…
so that’s where ya’ve been, you know, pretty much everyone’s passed you in the MR Thread…gotta catch up.
I’m very sorry to hear about that kid at your school, by the way. we’ve never really had an Earthquake here in Idaho…not one that you could feel anyway.
Oh, I’ve retired from MR. It’s a hassle. I’d like to try and make meaningful posts now, because I’ve seen single posts that are more relavant than ALL of MR’s combined, and I’d much rather strive for quality, not quantity. I’m still the Queen, but alas, I’m onto better things.
And don’t feel bad for me one bit, I suffered no loss from the death of Justin. I jammed with him a few times, and he was a cool kid, but I hadnt even thought of him for months since I saw him last. If matter can neither be created or destroyed, then he still exists, as a random arrangement of atoms in this blob of a universe. I mean, that’s all we are, random arrangements of atoms combined to form stuff.
I hope you’re not making the inclination that I am a shallow person. While I may put that out sometimes, I hope I am far from it.
I’m just glad that my arrangemnt of atoms found a way to be in the viscinity of such cool people… Thank god I wasnt a rock, or something that can’t ride a unicycle.
Ouch… no way. Somethings are betetr left unsaid, especially to the ones who brought him into existence.
I didn’t mean it in the snese that we are all unimportant parts of some blob, I meant it in the sense that “Ther is no death, only a rearrangement of atoms in the universe”.
I really hope this thread doesn’t turn into a death/theology debate, because I hate fighting, with anyone.
The earthquake was large enough to throw me off my uni during a wheelwalk, and it lasted several seconds.
From what I’ve eard, he was wakeboarding, and the shake caused him to fall and hit his head. I haven’t heard whether he was actually wakeboarding at the time, if they’ve found hs body, and how exactly it happened. I’m sure I’ll find out within a few days or so.
yeah i’m sorry to hear about the kid. One of my best friends died this year, not long ago (Johnny) he fell down a hill and broke his neck. and got run over by a car. very tragic.