
We just had an earthquake here. It was neat.

it was a 5.8

Did it destroy anything? :smiley: I have never felt an earthquake… the last one round here was in 1884!

i don’t know. It just happened.

We had an earthquake here when I was in 3rd grade. I think it was like 6.1.

I felt it while tuning a piano at a community center in Carson…Wow! I was on in the ground floor which is a solid concrete slab, yet the whole ground beneath me shook like JELLO! Mmmm, jello! :smiley: Seems also to have shut down my cell phone service! Damn sprint! :frowning: Edit: Back up! :slight_smile:

is everthing opk?i have family in la…

I was lying in bed and my whole bed started shaking. I thought it was the monsters under my bed. I thought that they were going to come out and eat me. I was so scared then I realized that it was just an earth quake.

It was downgraded to 5.4

It wasn’t just sprint. It was all the cell phone company’s

Figured. Thread jack: So how do you like you new 36er, and are you up for a ride soon? I want to do the Santa Ana River bike path again soon. It starts inland and you ride into huntington beach where there’s miles and miles of bike path going to Newport Beach. Great ride and much closer to you than Redondo beach.

I love my uni. When and where. I am up for it. but i am leaving for Hawaii in 6 days and won’t be back for 2 weeks then i am going to Bridgeport with my friend for a week. Then school starts.

Can you get a ride from anyone to get there? I’m thinking maybe Saturday, but a weekday could work too. We could do like 20 miles easy if you’re up for it. Mostly flat so pretty easy and way fun.

i can might be able to get a ride from my mom but i don’t know.

there was a tiny one here a short while back up north i belive, i woke up