I was going to resurect last year’s thread, but there was too much potty talk. We need a fresh start this year.
DON’T MISS IT! Earth Hour 2009: Turn off your lights from 8:30 until 9:30 and find something fun to do in the dark! Whatever you do, be sure it doesn’t contribute to global warming.
yeah, I remember the last thread… I was thinking about resurrecting it. I decided against that one though.
when is it this year? or is it an hour a day!?!
Patience Grasshopper. Earth Day is April 22, during Earth Month.
We’ve had a few EarthDay threads with some as far back as 2001. The 40th anniversary of Earth Day is next year in 2010.
I have no idea why Earth Hour is in March. Seems they should have made it part of the Earth Month festivities.
So what did you all do for your Earth Hour yesterday? I turned off all my lights so I could get the full experience of watching last night’s movie on my 52" big screen in surround sound.
It was yesterday! Oops I was on my laptop, lights on, CD player on only becuase my brother left it on. Oh and everyone else was downstairs, with loads of lights and the tv on.
I guess it depends: is your 6-hour powerdown a regular part of your routine, or was it due to some specific quirk in that day’s schedule? If it is normal for you to have stuff off like that then I’d say no, if you want to participate in the Earth Day thing you’d have to shut it off again. It’s all about changing your routines regarding power consumption.
btw I wasn’t home at the time, but on my nighttime walk with my sweetie we noticed lots of places that were dark. Of course the pubs and nightspots were still burning the nighttime oil. I think if I had been home I would have shut down for the hour as well.
I find it quite interesting that there has been absolutely no mention of this in the UK media in the last few weeks.
Nothing at all.
But I’ve been in Toronto for the last few days and publicity for it has been everywhere.
TV and radio coverage, front page newspaper stories, posters all over the place.
The hotel I’m staying at had posters in the lobby and elevators and everywhere you looked were flyers about Earth Hour parties.
And yes, I turned the lights out to join in.
But they wouldn’t let me light candles because the sprinkler system would have kicked in and the whole hotel would have had to been evacuated.