

definition:online idiot
purpose:lousy pun, used to describe people who play the online game Runescape for prolonged periods of time, instead of unicycling.

(also applies to similar games)

EDIT:post 100!!!

hmmm…so what?

Like… you?

actually, no, i was refering to my friends…

joooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee in coining yet another pointless term!!!:smiley:

So that’s what it was…Another one of those “good to know” facts


i play runescape when i can’t ride or when i’m in some kind of unicycle related pain.


if any of your levels are above 70, this is especially true!!



I HAVE LOST 3 FRIENDS AND 5 RELATIVES TO ITS “Grand, although virtual rewards”




eventually, however, anyone intelligent gets incredibly bored of it…

and they quit playing.
for good.

looking over shoulders, i saw people who had been playing for 5 years or more!!!(True E-diots)

Now… that’s very interesting… You live in the same place as me (somewhat) I live in CO too. My name is Zach, and I used to play runescape… That’s really awkward. I never had withdrawl symptoms though, and I never was addicted. So you can’t be talking about me… can you?

Yes, Runescape is very addicting, and at one point I was heavily into it. The simplicity is what makes it fun. But, there are better games out there. I no longer have time to play it, between my heavy swimming schedule, and unicycling. And hanging out with friends (my ideal life).

Goodbye Runescape…

Btw… I think this whole thread is very childish on your part. Starting a thread about E-diot’s (Whatever the weird kind of pun that’s supposed to be) is not helping people who are addicted to Runescape quit.
At all. It’s not doing anything.

And is really quite pointless.

^That’s not supposed to sound mean^

As long as you treat gaming as a hobby, and not your life: you are fine. If you let games control your life, you seriously have a problem. But, if you only play in your free time as a way for fun, and relaxation, then it’s fine.

And yes, you can have a hobby for 5 years.

Yeah, Runescape ruins lives!! They should play WoW instead.

Compared to all the other MMos ive played, I found RS to be the more complicated on. WoW, Diablo, Flyff, tons more, are so easy.

Hobo, your views on gamers are very biased. I think I have been playing RS since middle school, a whole 6 years, so that makes me an E-diot? I dont think so. Im not addicting to it, and never will be. Its one of my hobbies. I play it when I feel I want to play, not because I need to play it. I guess I can say the same about unicycling then too, huh? Riding for more then a few years, you must be a clown.

Also, your whole “anyone intelligent would get bored, quit. blah blah blah” is total BS. I have a 4.0 GPA, and I consider myself to be pretty smart, and I love to play the game, and a few more. I also have friends who are in college, post college, have there PhD, masters, bachelors, and all those degrees, they still enjoy the game just as much as me, and thousands more do.

Im sorry your friends and relatives have more fun playing a game then being with you. You’ll get used to it.

Diablo isn’t really an MMO…but it’s a lot more fun than Runescape. :smiley:

i was somewhat what addicted to runescape back when i was a preteen but…i grew up.so now i play when i can’t do anything else.anybody play puzzle pirates? it’s an over looked game but deserves more attention. ATLEAST IT CHALENGES THE MIND!

Sorry, carry on.

The 2nd one is one pretty much.

I found that all of the games coming out now are just log in, start killing. Even the quests arent too great. Everquest had some good quests though.

yes i was quite the runescape nerd when i was your age too… but when i saw WoW, i gave up on runescape… then i gave up on WoW too so i needed to find something to do with my now huge empty space of time.

And all my friends unicycle so why not me! (well not all, just 1 friend, and now 2)

yes i was infact so nerdy that i had stats over lvl 90

I obviously wasn’t refering to you, seeing as i had a runescape account that you would have recognised(HOBO CHUCK,:D, an account now in the possesion of sayed zach, im sure he has leveled its stats past what i had it at by now) and im serious… i quit, it drew me back in…(looking back the name Zach was false, it was actually my mom who had withdrawl symptoms…)

-read my first post-PURPOSE:LOUSY PUN

I am speaking from experience, I was playing the stupid game for long enough to notice that I was, in fact, surrounded (mostly) by people of a very low intelect…there may be exeptions…

Runescape is mostly simple, repetitive tasks, with no real chalanges of any kind…thus the “E-diots”
last time i checked there were somwhere near 1,000,000 paying members?
“millions” would have worked better for your arguement than"thousands"…

And im sure i take even deeper offence at your reference to unicycling being like runescape than you take offence at me beating down the idiotic game that you are so very addicted to…
-read my first post-PURPOSE:LOUSY PUN

FOR THE RECORD:I have met no-one in real life who truely enjoyed the game, but many who are simply addicted to it…

Well maybe it was just me, but I loved just playing single-player, never got old. I wouldn’t classify D2 as an MMO. Just because you can play with people online doesn’t make a game an MMO.

Yeah, MMO’s are a dime a dozen. Some developing companies are starting to get more creative with stuff like Tabula Rasa, and unconventional MMO’s like Eve Online have been around for a while and have a very devoted following.

Besides that, though, all MMO’s are pretty much just hack 'n slash games. I play them for the community, not the gameplay. That’s the idea.