Dyslexia Project

I have worked up a project on dyslexia, and i want to get some opinions from people with this reading problem. If you know any dyslexic people, would you please show them this website, www.geocities.com/carjug and get their opinions on it. My e-mail is on the website.
The project is a color alphabet rendering of Wizard of Oz. I have done the first two pages of this fantastic book, but I need some input from people with reading trouble before I take this any further. It might just work. E-mail me please, I doubt I will check back here for some time.
Thanx, carjug

i have a mild case of mathmatic dyslexia

it stinks becouse alot of tests are failed becouse of small mixing of 2 numbers…but good thing its a mild case or i would be in like e.s.e math

Interesting… doesn;t do anything for me. I’m dyslexic ( now an adult) and having never come across let alone lernt Funix (sp?) It wouldn’t make any thing easier for me.
More intersting was your second page. Again I didn;t find it helped, in fact I found it quite hard to read, and I have good reading skill s its my short term sequential memory and my spelling and hand writing that are my biggest problems. The rainbow of colours kept makeing my eyes jump around the page and I found it hard to follow the text in a linear fashion nessesary for comprehension. My personal prefered colour scheme is dark blue or black text on a pale muted yellow background, better for me than on white.
hope you get more comments to feed into your project.

I’m not dyslexic, but my sister is, I’ll get her to take a look.

Is there a pattern to the smileys/squares/etc?

My problem is like Dorfmans. I am a terrible reader as a result. I learn most by ear and by doing. Having ahearing loss, I am suprised I know much about anything! I was taking honors calc and remedial math simultaneously my freshman year in college. I often have to compensate like that similarly even today.

People with full blown dyslexia get can get parts of words flipped, even syntax in sentences. I flip letters and numbers over, which makes computations difficult. I do not know left and right well either.

Your use of color is novel, I don’t know of any other language that uses color like that. If people are having a hard time reading, it may be because brains aren’t taught to use color that way. Interesting idea, though. You couls make just that a project in itself!

Good luck!

im not dislexic sometimes when i spell i dont put the last letter of a word in. its usually only with long words and it isnt something where im writing and get distracted then forget the letter or something, i start writing then go back ad read it and i left out one or two last letters.

does anybody know what it is? is it just something i do or is it something wrong?

same here.

just so everyone knows, when you flip numbers that is called dyscalculia (sp?). the reason i know this?
because i have a slight case of it also.

since you are looking for people who flip letters, sorry i can’t help!

When I read the first sentence really quick, I thought it said, “I woke up and had dyslexia.” It was funny.
Someone in Arts Fest, a talent show at my school, who is dyslexic, did stand up comedy, and he talked about his dyslexia…he was like, I can get away with all sorts of things in school because I’m dyslexic. I can spell ‘cat’ with a q, and the teacher just says, “Good job, Matt!!” then I go away and say, ha ha, I just spelled cat with a q, and got away with it.

and so forth. It was so funny.

Great ideas! I especially like the 2nd page, which may help alert a person to flips after enough reading to establish a strong sense of color sequence in a word. It would be easy to implement in an ebook or the like.

I’ve never been diagnosed with dyslexia, but I do often end up with flips and such in both letters and numbers. Might be worth a look - what is a test for dyslexia like?

seems like a lot of unicyclists are dyslexic…I wonder why. interesting.

I have dyslexia but it did not bother me.I have trouble spelling.