Dyslexia Project Addition

I put a version of Treasure Island on www.geocities.com/carjug (second Page); it is in a nicer version of candy-striped text. Please show it to any dyslexic people you know and tell me how it goes! I wanna know what people with reading trouble think about this stuff.
The text and the Idea belong to an internet friend, a teenage Duke graduate who calls herself Knotty because she is Knot Gullible. :@)

the Dyslexia Project Addition ahh the P,D,A good on yah I used to be dyslexic

I think Knots idea might help more.

Is lysdexia real?



There are five genes associated with dyslexia, people with and without dyslexia give different brain scan readings when placed into MRI machines. There are anatomical differences between dyslexica and non dyslexics. Dyslexia is quite real. People with it have to work very hard to read even a small amount of text.
Reference: Google Sally Shaywitz and Dyslexia.
Reference: Google Chromosome 6, genetics, and Dyslexia.