I’m sure a few other people here have Dylan Wallinger on their MSN contact list.
My question - is he ever not ‘Away’ - because every single time he is on his status is set to ‘Away’
Is he really away? Or is he just annoyed with idolising unicycle fans meaninglessly talking to him and thus chooses to chose who he speaks to?
Anyay just wandering…Mr Wallinger you wanna shed some light on this?
EDIT: don’t wanna come accross as some phycotic stalking fan…just thought i’d ask…its his privacy and if he chooses to do this its up to him
Hey bro,
Yeah I always put it to away, it’s hard to talk to a bunch of people at once… it’s more for my friends from school than anything else. Feel free to message me though, no worries… Sometimes I really am away though… but I’ll respond if I see a message.
fair enough - I wont annoy you too much
Annoy? I like talking unis, message away man.
Why would you want to talk to him, Jeesh?! Oh well
sorry i dont knwo your msn but what is it? and how old are you? (im sorry im not keeping with the times )
17, dylan(underscore)wallinger(at)hotmail(dot)com
slata brehs.