DX muni 24" Augusta, Ga

not mine, found it on craigslist. I’d go for it myself, but I don’t know what kind of shape it’s in, and I’m sorta set on a Nimbus O:-)


edit: and it’s not a bad deal with the shin guards included : )

I might be up for it if I was in Georgia and I had a $150 to spare.

And I didn’t have two friends snap that frame (it was on trials unis so it might be different).

well I’m borrowing one from a friend right now, just like it : P he said he’s dropped it down a 30 foot cliff before, climbed down, and it was fine O:-) bearings are shot, and the pedals need some bearing work, but the frame and cranks lived : P

I’m not denying all its strength, just stem, seat, and seatpost. I should try and hook up with you next time I’m in the Atl area. My Dad lives up there and I’m always up for a riding buddy.:slight_smile:

And my friends and I can be rough on stuff. I think they both took there DX’s off a ten foot drop (into sand or soft ground I think).