its almost ready…
Hey cool!
They’ve got stuff from the Post Canyon trails in Hood River too. I went riding there last summer with Grant (tennisgh22) when he visited the Portland area.
Your so lucky, you got an astrick.
yeah the * is cool…
oh and John will have a special favor to ask you in exchange for a free copy of this movie, more later. dont worry i dont need help moving or anything.
Hey, I have a truck, and how bad could it be… you sell everything you have every three months.
Send me a PM, I’m sure it can be done.
the premere of this dvd was today at Salem’s only drinking theatre…heres the deal John i bought the DVD and i will send you a copy of it in exchange for you useing your PC skills to slice/post our muni section and the crash sequince at the end in the format of your choice so everyone can see it. the DVD is not copy righted and a “copy this please” endorsment is at the beginning of the movie which you will see. a large and small 56k friendly version would be ideal.
Can do. I can rip, edit, and post.
your copy is ready…PM me you mailing address.