now ur really pissing me off i guess ur just a huge prick and no 1 can do anything about it u sit behind u comp and u think u can say what ever u want u make fun of newbies and other people fore no reason other thin trying to make ur self feel big in side go get a life ass hole and and learn to be nice to people that aren’t like u or people that cant spell right or people that didn’t no how to use the search feather yet im tired of coming on here and trying to have some fun and watching others do the same but just get shout down by u
Im shckd!..
same here, mabey you could have made the message more subttle?
hahaha you try to make dudewithasock look like a tool because he “shuts everyone down bla bla bla” but insted make yourself look like a total tool haha nice one champ
what did he ever do to you!!!
i think This is what he is annoyed about.
You’ve been pissing us off since your first post.
Have you ever heard of “Hooked on Phonics”?
Dudewithasock isn’t acually tyring to offend anyone or be mean, he just makes harmless jokes about stuff. I acually “lol” at a lot of the stuff he posts.
When you post something like this, all it does is make you look like a tool.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
isn’t that what the ‘ignore’ feature is for?
Not me. Has he ever dissed any of us? (untill just now)
He said he had trouble typing but everybody still acted like an ass and made fun of him and still do.
You don’t have to read his posts if you don’t like the way he types.
But on the other side, I don’t see why you need to make such a hateful thread, Timmy. You could just PM him nicely and tell him that you’re kinda pissed at him and he’d prolly stop.
If this thread acomplishes anything, it will be making things worse.
I love both of ya’!!
Ok I’ll make an actual post.
Timmy - why the hate, bro? I don’t hate you or even really dislike you. I just poked some fun at your poor spelling, which you can’t deny you have. You can make fun of me for whatever, just understand it’s all in good fun.
If you really wanted to make an issue out of it, PM me or at least reply to the post in question that angered you.
Oh, and:
I’ve maybe told someone that once. Don’t confuse me with habbywall, who actually does do it occasionally, as he has the same avatar as me.
Much love.
I want a hate thread about me.
Careful, Timmy’s avatar might eat your avatar…
Pft, anything that touches harper would explode anyway.
lyke omgwtf i think ur rite dudw/asok is a mean prsn dude u r a prik w/o a life n dont no how 2 b nice 2 timtimtim n shooot ppl don thank u timtimtim 4 postin tis post i m sure dat duedsokprsn is goin 2 b nicr nowe
Why not just like this pointless, asinine, vindictive thread die a quick death? Quit responding to it. The author already has quit responding to it.
Hmm, you know, that’s a good idea.
I don’t think I will respond to this assinine thread anymore either.