drivers ed

I am taking drivers ed for the next two weeks and it is boring. The first day we watched two 15 minute videos that were from the 80"s because my county is poor and i ended up taking like 4 or 5 pages of notes. The thing is the teacher even knows that it is boring. The only reason I am going is because I want my permit then my lisence(sp) and i don’t want to wait until i’m 18. It last three hours a day for ten days. I just had to share the news

I am taking drivers ed too. It was an online class but every week we meet and they give me a huge packet to do. I always wait until the last day and do it all so it sucks. Today is my last day:)

Also i don’t really get to do much unicycling because I don’t want to get hurt then be told I could drive after setting through 30 hoursof boring class work.

ya, it was pretty much the same, and it doesnt get any better…by the way, you really dont need to take notes, they wont help for anything in the long run

you are lucky. yesterday was my first

Andrea turns 15 on Thursday and starts Drivers’ Ed next week. She will have the same instructor that taught me over 30 years ago!

Over the next year we’ll literally “Laissez les bons temps rouler”. Pray the parents survive.

It could be worse.

You could be the instructor.

Don’t worry. The driving part gets really exciting the few seconds before you wreck the car.

I have my learners permit…My parents are teaching me to drive. I don’t think I’ll get my license for awhile.

Yes, in many cases, parents are what keep driving schools in business. Depending on your family dynamic, some parents are the last people in the world to teach their own kids to drive, even if they’re good teachers. I’ve seen it.

For the “kids”:
Drivers Ed is boring. Everybody knows it. But if you’re taking it in the Unted States, it’s also one of the easiest classes you’ll ever take, so think of it that way. And it’s one of the most important as well. Making a mistake in your math class won’t kill you and your friends, or a carload of total strangers.

The purpose of Drivers Ed is to cram as much driving information into your head as possible – before you get your license – because once you have that thing in your sweatty hands you’ll think you’re an expert.

Drivers under the age of 20 have a hugely disproportionate share of the accidents out there. Please keep that in mind. Mistakes you make could affect others, outside the people in your car or the payers of your expenses. Watch out for the other people on the road!

back in 1975 (lol) …

… my drivers ed teacher was always drunk.

… and I’m not talking about the schoolroom teacher …

this was the guy in the passenger seat … giving us pointers …

… lol … I vividly remember him babbling about aliens one morning.

He was a trip.

Never a boring moment.

Wow …you only had to do 5 pages of notes your first day? I have and entire 1" binder stuffed full of pages that are cover front and back of notes that i took in my 6 night period( 3 nights per week 4 and a 1/2 hours a night)

I had a driving instructor who got terribly excited about a new set of catseyes that keep glowing even when there is no light shining on them; he thoroughly enjoyed reaching over and turning the headlights off while we were zooming along at 60mph. That was quite scary…


i’ve got my learner’s permit. my instructors were wicked sketchy, he made us drive around and do his personal errands for him, like getting his mail and going to the grocery store. don’t worry it will be over soon enough, and as far as i know, the final test for your permit is pretty dang easy

I only had to take a little test to get my learners permit. (which I failed by one point the first time :astonished: )

it was easy today. we went in there sat down and she says that we are going to watcha little video at the beginning of class. here is how we did stuff. she broke the projector made use watch a video on the t.v., then wew took a break, then we took notes, then we took a break, then we watched the old projector movie, and then for the last 45 minutes we got to study

i got to take it earlier then I was supose to because of boot camp so I hardly know anyone in there and i don’t have any of my friends in there witch makes it even more boring. i just can’t wait until i get to take my driving test. i can drive a stick shift a little so I should be ok considering that the driver ed cars are automatic

I just sent in to get my lisence a few days ago, Suckers!!!

i don’t need a lincense to drive. its not illegal if you don’t get caught.