Dragon Ball Z

I have been debating on making this thread for sometime, and now seems like the perfect moment. Growing up in what I would call, a somewhat boring city of Evansville, Indiana, my friends and I sometimes had to go to great measures to have fun. One thing, however; caught our intrest as troublesome little boys was the series of Dragon Ball Z. Now, I know this may seem a little childish, but I KNOW that I am not the only person on this website who experienced this great TV show. What convinced me to start this thread was just some simple conversations about DBZ with my old DBZ loving chums. We decided to go and rent the DBZ video games and get into it for old times sake and we ended up becoming addicted to the game for over a week straight. . .24/7. The game was Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi. Yes this sounds rediculous but like I said, I must know who else busts a nut over this game like I do. And if you havn’e played it, I suggest you do, soon.

-That is all

That was accually written by my friend Jared.

So how about it? DBZ lovers? Tenkaichi lovers? Dragon Ball? anything?
This is the liscensed DBZ thread, talk about any dbz!!!


I reall like the Games for PS2, drangon Ballz Budokai 2 and Budokai 3… Thats about as far as i ever got into it… Still fun though.

Never played the games, but DBZ was awesome. It was like a soap opera for guys (but not as retarded as professional wrestling)

I used to watch that show all the time, I think I was in 4th grade so that was 7 years ago! It was awesome until I realized each story about the bad guys coming was pretty much exactly the same but everyone was stronger the next time:) Heh, the bad guys come to do stuff then the good guys look like they are losing because Goku happens to be doing something else then he comes and saves everyone at the last minute…

We always hated that show…

I loved that show. DB, DBZ, DBGT, episodes only aired in japan, I saw them all, rented movies, played the games, and would run home to school to see if the next episode would show goku going SS.

I used to watch that show. I liked it, if it came on while I was flicking through the channels today I would leave it on. I don’t think theres anything childish about it.

I think I am gonna buy the dvd sets of dragon ball, DBZ, then DBGT, then watch them all.

I rememberimg coming home at 3pm, setting out a blanket to lay on, and a pillow infront of my tv, grabbing a bag of cheez-its, and make a bag of popcorn, and a big glass of ice cold pop, and watch the dragon ball series and then the other shows after it everday after school for about 3 months.

Being a deprived child with only 3 TV channels, I never watched it. I saw it once flipping through channels at a friends house, though, and I must admit that I hated it. (actually, hate is a strong word. I “muchly disliked” it. ;))

Too true. We thought it was a little “goofy” and looked sorta fake…


your in 11th grade lildude!?

I watched it sometimes. I really liked the show that had the robots that were like animals and changed weapons in this big car and fought each other. Anyone remember the name?

Yeah, well I am going into 11th. I will be 16 next month…

Um, I liked that too… it’s not Gundam is it?

I also sorta liked ‘moble suit gundam’…

no it’s not that.

I sorta got into it untill in grade 5-6 we realised it was just stupid
Goku: hey freeza check it out im going supa sayen yeah ahggrhggoes all yellow and his hair flies up
Freeza: thats all?
Goku:I guess so I was expecting sumthing more spectacular o well lets fight

thats sorta how I saw the whole series, and the funny thing is that the series of DBZ is longer than the amount off time the fad lasted:D :smiley:

could not stand DBZ all the other kids would play with there trading cards and i would sit the board as hell looking at them like how can u do such a thing