All I know is that this will be an excuse to host an “End of the World” Party!
It’ll be on December 11th 2012, from 9pm til 9am. If the world is supposed to end on 12/12/2012, then at least I’ll be ringing in the end with a party! If the world doesn’t end, well, heck, I still had a party! D
Well I’m not sure we need to stone them. Besides, it’s tough to stone somebody who died hundreds or thousands of years ago.
I think an end of the world party sounds allright though. It’s like when that designer named his skimpy new bathing suit the bikini, after the place, bikini atol, where they were testing a nuclear bomb. He figured if the world ends what the heck, if not, this just might catch on.
Maybe it’s just me, but I always thought it would be cooler if it was the year 2112, because the date would then be symmetrical:
Yeah, I thought this show was somewhat biased towards the apocalyptic side (Of course if they sound apocalyptic people will be more interested and they will have much more customers). But yeah, just because it’s biased doesn’t mean it’s not interesting
Did I ever say that I believe that the world will end in 2012? No, I never said such a thing. I do not necessarily believe so. I think that there may or may not be some sort of astronomical occurence in 2012 that may have a slight effect on the world or a big effect on the world, or there could be nothing at all.
I merely believe that the year 2012 wasn’t simply pulled out of their a**es, they probably had some reason or another to choose that time. It may be something that is actually significant, it may just be some bullsh*t believed thousands of years ago.
It would be a lot more interesting if their few examples were better
I watched all 7 parts. After watching Merlin, I think it was, for a long time, the specific example was that Merlin prophesied that virgins will form a new country farming virgin land. Virginia ? USA ? really ! ?
That was a notable hit ?, a bunch of English fornicators plow up and grow corn the Indians gave them, on the same land the Indians had farmed for centuries.
I guess I was supposed to be impressed by the name Virginia or something. I fear the rest of the evidence was of similar rigor, yet very few specifics were provided, it is hard to tell.
They had a magic internet box that must be science I guess, it is a computer ! So 60’s and 70’s. I remember when if scientists used a computer in making a prediction, that meant something ! LOL Still, no examples of how the magic box came up with 2012. Maybe google “end of the world” and pick the most popular date mentioned ?
Dear lord! You’ve made a fatally horrible mistake in judgment about beer. A cardinal sin!
It appears to me that you probably haven’t tried many varieties of beer since you’re young, not to mention your “Pacifico only” mentality. While everyone has the right to be as picky as they want to be, you should definitely be open to new ideas at all times, if only to find a better beer! Amen.
Yes, you don’t judge a beer by the brand, but by the flavour and quality. There are thousands to choose from, and good one and bad ones. Tell me, is Pacifico a pale ale, amber ale, light ale, brown ale, bitter, mild, porter, lager or stout? What hops do they use? What malt? How does it compare,for example, to TT Landlord, or Harvest Pale, Dartmoor, Jennings, Dover Beck, Hoegarden, Carib, Cobra, original Budweisser, or plain old Deuchars IPA?
Yeah, I don’t really drink, but i have probably tasted around 7 different kinds of beer throughout my life. Pacifico was the only one I wanted more of. I am aware that there may be other good brands, but everything else just made me want to throw up.
So, on the subjects of beer and endings… is anyone planning to celebrate Iceland’s Beer day? It’s celebrating the end to their prohibition, on March 1st. The least we can do is celebrate with them.