i only wanna get something not to expensive cause i dont have like anymoney and but i was thinking of getting of getting a nimbus hoppley, a koxx 1 devil, or a kris holm.
'anyhelp will be apreciated and plz noone say use the search cause i never find what i am looking for…
Lol, I thought you were going for the Hopley, cause the Koxx is about $395 and the KH is even more. I already told you abobut the crank issue being fixed by increasing the tubing thickness. But if your going for cheapness to save money, hopley is the cheapest for the options you put, or the Nimbus with Qu-Ax hubset, but I already told you this, cause you live across the street form me. =p
Please don’t use the search function. People are wearing it out. For the ultimate in cheap, take Jerrick’s unicycle when he’s not looking and paint it a different color.
The difference between a cheap uni and a more expensive one is worth the extra. If you buy a cheap uni, you will inevitably spend more money upgrading it, then later replacing it.
On the other hand, buying a cheap one and upgrading it will give you a chance to find out what aspect of the sport appeals to you most, so that when you do buy the better one, it will be the right one for you.