don't look before you leap?

i have to do a debate for school on the topic “Look before you leap”
We are negative so we have to say you shouldn’t.

We’ve come up with the team lime “if he who hesitates is lost, why look before you leap”
But we dont really have an argument yet :smiley:
So help would be appreciated


Indeed. When it comes to unicycling. I don’t look(too much) before I leap because it makes me think twice about doing something, then usualy backing out.

But then again, nobody is stupid enough to “close your eyes before you leap”. Thats suicide lol.

Personally I would answer by defining the statement. I would define in such a way that “looking” can be used as more then a verb, but as the task of thinking ahead or planning, and “leaping” is simply following out the task. By stateing this as an arguement it opens up ways for you to defend your topic, such as people who go to college without a predetermind major. Or people who go out running without planning their trip.

The main idea is getting away from the “not thinking”, “your stupid for not thinking before you do something argument” that may be presented. Another thing to keep in your head is that most people who listen to this debate are going to have their minds made up that “well, duh of course you should look before you leep” but it will be in your best interest to kill that state of mind. Have fun!

thought clouds gusto - dont think too much

Over-thinking can make you change your mind on something that you may not want to change your mind about.

impulsiveness is fun, screw consequences. In the words of a sticker I saw on a drag car "I’d rather die than hesistate’

opportunity only knocks once.

he who hesitates is lost.

what are you waiting for? an engraved invitation (it’s never going to arrive)

if the building is burning and the fire is nipping at your heels …

you’re already failing to support the statement. you shuold just get a videocamera and get people’s first response to the pithy maxim.

It’s good to look before cliff diving into water.

When I muni, I like not knowing the trail and getting those last second/ first time looks.

It has been proven that the thinking process assists the circulation process to bring blood from the feet, against gravity, back to the heart.

That’s why you get cold feet when you have second thoughts.

I personally like to examine things closely before I leap and I rarely back out of something even after I look. The way I see it is if your thinking about doing something it’s probably within your ability to do it.