Don Mclean, Vincent

Does anyone have an mp3 version of Don Mclean’s “Vincent?” I would like to get it. Please PM me if you have it.

I have it PM me your e-mail, cause I don’t know how to do it otherwise.


I had it on CD years ago… I only bought the CD for American Pie, and the fscking b457ards faded out the song halfway through! Come on, they didn’t even try to just edit in the ending, they just faded out the chorus! No respect for music, just wanted the money…

NOFX does a wicked cover of “Vincent” though :smiley:

Got it. Thanks David.

I don’t know for sure, but: Didn’t you just violate some PIRATE law?


Yep. When did you start your job with Homeland Security? To which record companies will you report me so I know from whom to expect phone calls? I think that, according to the Patriot Act, it is your duty.

What is the appropriate punishment for someone who steals “Vincent?”

Cutting off an ear?

Caning off an ear would be good in Singapore.

Yarr. Good job Matey. And you’re taste in music be a seafairing one too. Yarr.

And then “colors changing hue” would describe the side of your head.

But you’d probably still have a hard timing making a case that “How you suffered for your sanity” applied to you at all. :wink:

No problem. I checked and it was there, so I sent it over. I’d say it was a fair trade.


Harper does not suffer for his sanity. It is the rest of the Seattle Area Riders that suffer. :sunglasses:

This reminds me, the Crawley Circus Festival theme this year is pirates… I’m going to get me a napster T-shirt made up, and possibly have ‘IP protection - are you **AA safe?’ written on the back.



Arrrr! Oi be brushin up on me skills…


EDIT: Just noticed this threadjack is getting pretty ludicrous, sorry Greg ;).