dog walking

just wondering if anyone else walks their dogs on a uni. I think it’s pretty funny because more people just smile at you than say anything.

my mom wont let me, she says its too dangous

same with mine, so instead i walk both of my dogs without a helmet. :smiley:

doest she get mad?

Dog walking uni-ists

Yeah, My youngest ‘walks’ the dog ala unicycle…

I keep telling him he’s just one squirrel away
From a major hospital stay,
But he does it anyway.

i was riding on the beach and asked a guy to let me walk his dog. it was a big dog and it was hard to keep up with it, but i could lean out like a waterskiier with its 30 ft leash. it pulled me over a few times, but it stopped running (thank you jesus!) when i hit the sand. i learned to throw sand in the same way hockey players throw ice. i would recommend trying it on grass first though, if the dog wanted to, it could have thrown me to the ground by changing direction while i was “uni-doggie-skiing”.

if i could glide, that would be fun (and dangerous)

no offense to you or your mom… im sure she is a lovely lady who means the best for you… but im glad as hell that my mom isnt like that… if a get hurt its my own fault…


I’ve done it but my dog’s a real puller. Too bad I can’t glide.

If you want to see something really crazy with a powerful dog, click here and scroll down.

I think she just gave up…

Today i was walking my dogs (or you could say unicycling my dogs, but that sounds strange) and they started speeding up then running and i was going as fast as i could pedal and i was leaning back at at least a 45º angle backwards and eventually i had to leap off my unicycle (with a little reluctance because it was my new uni) and stop them, all becuase of a little squirrel…

oh, i feel your pain. the first scratch is always the worst. don’t worry, it will get easier.

Yeah I actually often walk my dog while riding my 20 inch uni. As well I recently got a dog backpack for him and have taken him along on some light MUni rides. He is a little guy ( 12 lbs ) so if I plan to go a long ways, I give him intermittant rides in the back pack so that he can take a break and make the distance.

This system is working really well as the pooch loves it and that way I can include him when I’m feeling like more of a work out type of ride.

I’m working on making a vid of my uni-dog. I’ll post the link for the clip when I have it completed.

Me too, cuz I haven’t been able to find a helmet for the dog.

Seriously, anything but a small dog prefers to walk along the uni, cuz they don’t even break into a run, and they enjoy a nice 6-8 mile ride.

it helps to have a well behaved dog, but they also learn fast, cuz if they pull you off they uni, it scares 'em and they pay better attention to you.

Or they run faster…my dog did that while I was on a bike once…

i wish my mom was like yours

but she let me walk my dog when i had my heelys, i will do it tommorrow, even if she says no

I walk my dog on uni alot, and lately i am trying to glide behind him. and this one time i was gliding and it was making a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound from my shoe on the wheel, and my dog was watching me cuz of the noise, then my dog ran straight into a green electrical box… i just started to laugh sooo hard…

I occasionally let Bailey take me for a “tow” on the unicycle. It’s anything but a walk. He could tow-glide me (and any ten other riders), if he were only consistent. But he doesn’t cruise. He goes curb, post, bush, stop, cross the street, etc.

I ride with my dog “Uni” on a leash on my Coker and my Muni. The Coker is great because it lets her run and she doesn’t pull as much, unless she see a bunny or some other rodent. I can’t take her on long Coker rides but around six to ten miles is good.

On Muni rides she usualy pulls at all the wrong times like when we are going down hill but some times she helps a little bit when I need it. I usualy only have her on a leash on Muni rides where the rules of the trail require it. I ride in the Ridgway state park near where I live quite a bit and dogs are required to be on a leash at all times.

In order to walk my dog with the uni, I would have to know how to idle very well. You see, he’s a beagle and he has to stop and sniff everything! And if he saw a squirell or a rabbit, it would be all over, he would jerk me right of the uni.

But I have thought about it.

I don’t have one. But I uni’ed someone elses dog in Amsterdam.

Usually goes fine
…untill you meet cattle barriers
As the dog was once trained to be a police-dog in Finland, she can do special tasks,
but this atempt went better.

one i get my pigs i while walk thim on my uni, then report back to let you all know how it went