dog pictures

I love dogs and want to see what kind of dogs that people on the forum have so if you feel like it you can tell what kind of dog you have and post a picture.:smiley:

this is my dog Zizi she is a 7 year old black lab.

Gallery of Pets.



You used the version with the search terms highlighted.
Soooo unprofessional :roll_eyes:

No no, it proves that I know how to use the search function. :roll_eyes: :wink:

i hope you have this in your area…

every day we hear of heart-wrenching stories of pet owners facing personal crises who have no other option but to surrender their animals due to situations beyond their control. Traumatic events such as domestic violence, foreclosure, fire, eviction, and illness can instantly force the separation of people and their beloved pets.

In the case of battered women, the statistics are alarming—just last month we learned that as many as 48% of these women delay leaving abusive situations out of fear for the safety of their animals.* A fear well justified when you consider that 71% of abused women reported that their batterers had harmed, threatened or even killed their pets, often in front of them and their children, as a way to coerce, control or humiliate them.**

While shelters provide a safe haven for victims of abuse and those who have been evicted, their animals are rarely welcome. Sadly, these individuals and families face the additional pain of giving up their pets in order to access help and safety. And for pet owners who are ill and need emergency medical care—where do they turn to for pet assistance during hospitalizations?

There is now hope. Infinite Hope.

We are very pleased to announce a new direction for Infinite Hope, a non-profit organization affiliated with Hope Vet. Our first initiative in conjunction with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals will assist people in short-term crises so that they can continue their relationships with their pets. While other cities have established safe pet programs, Infinite Hope is the first of its kind in New York City.

We could use your help. There are many jobs to do as we begin—develop a website, create a newsletter and establish a trusted foster care network.

If you can assist us in getting the program started or if you would consider opening your heart and home to someone’s pet who needs fostering for a short time, we’d be infinitely grateful. Simply hit reply to this email and we will send you additional information.

Together, we can show people and their pets that where there is help, there is Hope.

The Infinite Hope Team

  • Ascione, F.R. (2007) Emerging research on animal abuse as a risk factor for intimate partner violence. In K. Kendall-Tackett & S. Giacomoni (Eds.) Intimate Partner Violence (pp.3-1 to 3-17). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.

** Ascione, F.R., Weber, C.V., & Wood, D.S. (1997). The abuse of animals and domestic violence: A national survey of shelters for women who batter. Society and Animals, 5(3), 205-218.