Does Windows Movie Maker kill the quality of catured video?

So I noticed that all the video that I capture from my camera with WMM is really bad qualitly. I have edited with Evan’s camera at his house with better editing software (our cameras are the same, mine is just the later one) and at his house the footage looks really good then it gets crappy when he has to resize it but mine looks crappy from the beginning. Is it WMM that takes away from the qualitly of my movies?

Oh and when I film with my mom’s digital camera on movie mode it looks ALOT better than with my video camera ( I have a canon zr200), the color is completely different and its much clearer…

Are you getting interlacing artifacts? See this page for some examples of what interlacing artifacts look like.

When you make video for the computer screen you need to deinterlace it because computers don’t do interlaced video (TV does). The quality of the deinterlacing greatly affects the quality of the video when played on a computer. There are different deinterlacing methods. Some look better than others. I don’t know what WMM does for deinterlacing.

are you capturing one with firewire and the other with USB?

Yeah the bad quality stuff from my video camera is captured from the tape with a firewire and the stuff on the digital camera is just written to a memory card that I upload with a usb.

Make sure that when capturing the video, it’s set to DV-AVI. That way the file it saves will be an AVI with very little compression. Maybe you’ve currently got it set to one of the low resolution WMV options at the moment?


Wait. So you are comparing a video camera with a still cam that does video? And that still cam is getting better video? I declare shenanigans!

Either way the firewire will always be better than the USB on a video camera. USB can’t capture full quality DV, Firewire can. That may be your problem, I think. I’m still not sure exactly what the problem you are having is… SHENANIGANS!

//Edit: I reread your original post. Your video cam is being hindered by something, either in your recording settings or your capture settings. Spend awhile reading the help files and tutorials that came with your software. Learning software through help files is one of the best skills you could ever develop. Windows movie maker should be fine for capture your video, something just isn’t set correctly.

Does it look bad in the editing program? Because i know that WMM in order not to chew up to much PC power makes the quality worse while you are editing (ie- the little preview screen). When you finnish your project, however, the quality returns to the way it was captured. That has been my experience,


Windows Movie Maker sucks!!

Edit your films with Pinnacle Studio or with IMovie!

I looks really bad after I save the movie file too. The still digital camera costs about $1000 and my video camera costs $300 so I don’t think that its that surprising that it looks better. My computer sucks so right now I don’t really have the option to get a better editing program since my computer can’t handle WMM. I will probably get a new computer in the near future, probably a mac.
If you want to see the difference in footage watch my newest movie, its in RSU somewhere. In some parts my helmet looks like a completely different color than in others. Look at the clip of me riding the handrail on the bc and compare that to the clip of me doing the behind the leg mount to 180 pivot to backwards riding to 180 back to forwards on the bc, there is a huge difference in quality. You probably can’t tell as much as before I saved it because my computer couldn’t handle a bigger version of the movie so it was resized from 90mb to 20mb.
If/when I get a new computer I will capture a clip with a different program to see if the problem is with a setting on my camera or with wmm.

Did you try my solution?