Does that thing give wedgies?

My daughter was riding her giraffe yesterday, and some kid at the skate park asked me if it gave wedgies. That was the first comment like that I’ve heard. Usualy get, “Hows the weather up there?” when riding the giraffe.

Needs a comeback. Hmmm…

On a giraffe, this works:

“No, unless your underwear gets caught on something when you’re falling off!”

Ha! Good one! This thread sat for two days unanswered. I guess nobody (including me) could think of a comeback.

This comeback is so simple, it’s brilliant. And so obvious as to generate the “Why didn’t I think of that?” response. And – it may be the only possible comeback (besides a straight yes or no).

Can anyone think of another comeback? Wait! Inspiration has just blindsided me! How’s this one? (only loosely related to the original question)

“This is a wedgie-free zone. Bullies don’t ride giraffes!”

(meaning that a “bully” wouldn’t be riding up behind you on another giraffe trying to give you a wedgie – a funny concept, but not quite clear from my feeble attempt at a comeback)

Dave, in need of remedial comeback training…

YES! ouch!

when i rod for 3 mile sin my levis twisted jeans i got a major wedge i learnt my lesson don’t ride in jeans…! :frowning:


“If you’re the Wedgie Police, I demand to see your badge!”

… on second thought, that’s something you might not want to see after all… :astonished: