Does God make you worry and prevent you from enjoying your life?

Apparently God does for Richard Dawkins, enough so to support the Atheist Bus Campaign.

Do these atheists really think theists have more worrisome, unenjoyable lives than they do? :thinking:

Probably. But I think the idea is more about starting discussion on the topic. As I mentioned in the other thread where this was brought up, I think that if these messages appeard on buses over here, they would be vandalized by people who would unabashedly do it in broad daylight, in front of news cameras. Yaay freedom of religion!

Hmm, so you seem to be pretty selective of those whom you attack for posting threads with the SAME subject matter? I was expecting you to post something like: “There are already PLENTY of “GOD” threads and Religious themed threads. Please don’t keep making NEW threads about the same subject!”

:slight_smile: and a big WINK! to not take it too seriously! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

There, now. See? You’re posting in a pre-existing thread instead of starting a new one, good for you! :smiley:

Yes, Terry is right, but the bus thing was posted way down in the middle of some other thread and I don’t consider Phlegm a major source of thread pollution. I think this one is worthy of its own thread, but surely many will not agree.

Why does everyone always talk about defending the freedom of religion? How about the freedom FROM religion?

This made me lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I didn’t realize this was already posted in another 47 page thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

If the point of the signs is to start discussion, isn’t that kind of antithetical to atheism? Isn’t a main point of atheism that God is irrelevant and so should not be talked about?

I tried to bring that up in another thread, that for people who believe there is no God, they sure do like to talk about God, complain about God, fight for a God they dont believe is there. Seems to me, they are stressing out far more than most religious believers.

To answer the question. God does not make me worry at all about life. I have full trust in God, and because of that, life is never stressful for me, I hardly have a problem, and when I do, it is the tiniest thing. As far as I can remember back, nothing has stopped me from enjoying life, and I will continue that for as long as I live.

Hmm, not to jump to conclusions, but are you implying that I am? Geesh, I’m hurt!:(:(:(:wink:

Well for me, it’s because while I may technically be a non-believer, I’m by no means an atheist. I’m still on the fence (agnostic), and so I try to talk about God and discuss him/her/them/whathaveyou in the hopes of perhaps someday reaching a conclusion about my beliefs.

No one ever came to a conclusion about GOD by talking.

You have to experience GOD to believe.

Sorry guys, but Apatheism is the way to go.

And what about the religious believers on the other side of the argument? It goes both ways, you know:)
They spend a lot more time talking about God and worrying about him, too. Isn’t that basically what church is? I’ve been to churches for about 6-7 different religions and wasn’t really impressed, nor did I see anything that COULDN’T be reasoned down to fear, pageantry, or the like.

You can leave the complaining up to us, though.:wink:

It might help if you think of atheism as a religion. You sure seem ready to defend your chosen religion when it’s attacked, why can’t we defend ours?

At which point I think you’ve been sniffing at the mercury again :stuck_out_tongue:

Hate isn’t the opposite of love; apathy is.

Anyway, the busses don’t bother me at all. I guess because they use the word “probably”. The banners still leave the decision up to the reader. Those who are apathetic about the subject may begin searching for God simply because they saw the sign on the bus.

The stresses in my life come when I focus on the world and fail to focus on God.

Good thread. I agree with John this deserves it’s own place.


This of course makes no sense to those who don’t have a relationship with God.

But, I feel ya bro!

Yes, because I can choose to experience God. That makes a whole lot of sense. :roll_eyes:

Yes. But last time I looked, he’s still on my money and in the swearing-in of court witnesses, as well as the swearing-in of most high offices in the country. The atheists have a long way to go to catch up…

I think the bus signs are funny, but I agree with John Foss that they probably wouldn’t survive very well over here. Too many people are deeply offended when they see things in public that don’t sit right with their beliefs. Although, most people don’t seem to really mind if it’s their own propoganda.

Personally, I think money would better be spent paying the bus companies not to run any ads at all. Advertisements suck.

That, and you can talk about how much you love God all you want in the workplace without fear of retribution, but mention that you are agnostic or atheist and you might get canned. I sure don’t feel safe mentioning it where I work.

believers could be found in every flavor: some are anguished some find peace of mind in religion.
though myself a stubborn atheist I think that, roughly, religion is more easing your anguishes than the contrary (for example when the death of a loved one strikes you religion may help with lots of pre-cooked recipes for releiving your pain) … this said a friend of mine who is deeply religious was very surprised to discover I had absolutely no question whatsoever about the purpose of mankind, life after death, and so on … so again the label means near to nothing, it’s the person behind the label that counts. Don’t worry (more than necessary), enjoy your life (with whatever trick that does not hurt your neighbor).


Another thread for me to ignore.