I recently bought the uni pictured below. Does anyone recognize the make? Besides cleaning up the finish blemishes caused by neglect, will I have trouble replacing parts? Actually it looks like the uni I owned in the mid sixty’s. Let’s see if the picture turns up.
I have the same problem. I got (stole) this Uni from a girlfriend of mine, and I have no clue what it is (make). I put a new tightner on it (the thinger that keeps the seat post from coming out), I thre on some new pedals and a brand new Torker seat. It’, like yours (the round fork) and it has lollipop bearings (BLECH!) I hate having to tighten the four screws all the time. I used a chrome polisher on it, got rid of a lot of rust and scratches. For how old it is, the tire was in great condition, almost like new (or hardly used). On the tire it says “Cheng Shin Tire”, so if anyone can work off of that and help me out in identifying this uni, that would be great, THANKS! I’ll try to get a picture of it with it’s original parts back on.
The seat post was way too short, so I took it to a bike shop for a replacement. Problem - the pipe size is non-standard, and they didn’t have one that fit. The kid behind the counter thought that the uni was cobbled together, since where the post meets the fork shoulders looks like the seat for a bearings race!?
I didn’t make a note of the kid measured with his micrometer, I will have to check that later when I get access to a mic again.
What size pipe did I get to fit? 1/2 inch galvanized pipe from the hardware store did the trick, thank you. It fit perfectly in the post pipe and the seat clamp.