Hey does anyone live in meaford ontario canada?
what other cities is meaford near? i dont think im near but i dont kno where meaford is either.
well theres its near collingwood,owensound,woodford thats between owensound and meaford=woodford umm iu can’t think of to much but you probly heard of collingwood,owensound from hamilton its bout half n hour drive maybe more but its not to long
well theres owensound+collingwood you live near eaford you live in hamilton so thats bout half n hour drive from hamilton or maybe more
alright then…im in hamilton myself. if your ever around here drop me a line.
will do i’m just leaning to pedal i’m goign to make a beginner video thats going to be funny but ya so when ever i know i’m going there i’ll ask for ya phone # and we shale chat and go uniing around for lil bit kk
hey im also ondering are there any here that live in perth western australia cheers sam
no but back to new_unicycler i live in kingston with another bud of mine(beener)
i live in melbourne aus, but i do know that there are a few or maybe 1 other guy/s that lives in perth!!
have a look thru the threads to find him
so if there are anymore people that live near me or hagbag14 or trial uni then come in and talk we all should got for a ride but i’m just saying let me get better tho ok thanx …TONY… cheers
I’m in North Bay, ON. About 3 hours from TO.
hey what trials uni do you have new_unicycler? and hows your learning coming
I live in London Ontario… i’d like to ride… but kinda far i think.
i have a 19" norco its blue and kinda old i think i unnno i’ll try n get pics london is a peice away but not alot tho i’ll tell you all how much i paid for it your all going to hate me i bought it for $23 but i got a maxxis holy roller it is worth bout $40-$45 but the seat is painful as soon as i get my camara back i’ll post a couple pics…Tony…
p.s oo my learning is getting better i can ride a lil bit farther now i surprised my self i was not doign to well tjen i went then i started goign alot farther for a reason but ya thanx for asking …TONY…
hey yall i live in perth western aus:)