Does anyone know....

where I could find boots similure to these, at a reasonable price? cos I’ve been trying to find them, and I found them on ebay for cheap…but the lady was gonna sell them to me, but then all a sudden…bam! some kid had to snach them up for $100 dollars…that’s like 50 euros right? about that…well yeah so I’m bumbed…anyone know? beside swear alternitive, cos they’re exspinsive! geeze louise!! so anyone know?

boots lovely.jpg

…How to write a subject line? Please include the question in the subject so we don’t have to click on it to find out we’re not interested (or can’t help).

For a shortcut to the broken ankles you seem to be interested in, I’d suggest lots of attempts at rail grinds over stairsets. It should eventually have the same effect, only with more “collateral damage.” :slight_smile:

Check out these boots we saw at a store in Tokyo outside of Unicon XII:

no clue