i want to know how to use it.
u dont know how to use a blender.
thats preety sad.
the videos dont work!!!it sucks
can anyone explain it to me?
step 1: plug it in
step 2: put the stuff in
step 3: press whatever button u want according to what power u want it on or what u want it to do to the stuff thats being blended
dude your retaurded you put your stuff in the blender and then you push the button that says blend, mix, puree etc… dont forget to put on the lid there
I think you’re the retarded one. Notice he didn’t say a blender, and notice how he capitalized Blender.
He’s talking about the 3D Animation program.
Anyway, I was learning to use it once, but then I sort of stopped… So I can’t help you. Sorry.
oohhhh, ok i got it , thanks.