does anybody here play airsoft?

im just wondering who here might play airsoft?

Not really myself, but a bunch of my friends have guns. I was at a campout and one of them shot my bare calf from a foot away completely un-provoked. That really p*ssed me off.

I was hanging out at my friends house and got a 12 round clip emptied into my chest from about 2 feet away. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Every now and then I’ve been known to play…:wink:

I do.

I have:
*Mac 11 (gas)
*m945 (gas)
*M4A1 (electric)
*m93r (gas)
*Glock 18c w/ extended clip (gas)
*Full metal OD green m9 (gas)
*Classic Army sniper (spring)

That’s about it. I haven’t played in a while.

nice… i kinda figured you played because of your picture thing that i forgot the name of. but man you have a nice collection. if i was more involved i would be a sniper, but sniper stuff is too exspensive.

Ive got an M4 and play every month or so with the MAA. Good stuff.

ok ill bite.

whats air soft?

sounds fun…and painful…then it must be fun.

yeah it is painful depending on what you are wearing or getting shot down by. airsoft is paintball’s little bro (or un-identical twin). paint ball is more of a game like capture the flag and what not, airsoft is more millitary renactment (not like civil-war renactment) but you do senarios like retreiving hostages and killing terroists, so on. (basically just like your rainbow six games or any other simallar game) hope i made it clear for you

They’re like BB guns but the BBs are plastic and safe to shot at people and not get hurt worse then a small bruise. You got to prottect the eyes because that’s really the only place you can get seariosly hurt. I dont play airsoft but I go target shooting real guns so I got some more stylish protection.

Hahah I posted this and reallised my paycheck was on the coffe table so just in caise I deleted and edited. Oh and thats my dog Bingo (he was named when I was eight).
