Doctors, personal trainers or physical therapists who ride

Hi All,

I’m looking for an expert who can tell me if riding a Uni strengthens different muscles (or maybe your Core) than standard bicycles. Anyone know who I can talk to???



Us. Yes, it works different muscles. More accurately, I guess, it works different areas of many of the same major muscles you use for two-wheeled cycling. Depending on the type of riding you do (both bike and uni) it also can do a lot more for your core, lower back and even arms/shoulders. But mostly it’s all from the waist down.

Cool. Do you know of any doctors who can comment on the health benefits as well as muscle groups that are used on the uni?


no, but I hadn’t had a back ache since I’ve been uni’ing regularly. (I know this doesn’t answer your question, consider this a bump to make your thread more noticeable.)


I’m hoping I can find a doctor or physical therapist who rides or who can talk about the type of core workout that riding a uni gives.

and Ultimate Wheel does far more for the core, and likely a bit more for your thigh muscles too, than a unicycle.

Great! Thanks… but do you know what muscle groups exactly are targeted??

PM Nurse Ben.
Although he is new to the sport ,he has the background you’re looking for and if anybody can identify the sore muscle groups right now, he could.

Good luck

Oh boy. :roll_eyes: