Do you tie your shoes correctly?

I have the checkered pattern from rasta coloured laces and black laces on my black unicycling shoes. Looks nice:)

I don’t tie my shoes, they have a flap that covers the laces so I just pull them tight, wrap them up and tuck them under the flap!

I tie mine the really fast way. Been doing it for about a year, mostly because it makes up for the time that I take tucking in my laces. After starting unicycling (some 7+ years ago), I haven’t been able to leave the house without my laces tucked in… :roll_eyes: They’re just too stinking floppy!

Cut them down, or lace your shoes with a lace shortning pattern.

i have this pattern where they cross bellow, then above, then below, so it turns into big and little Xs.

that site is fun/

Parts of this thread belong in RSU.

I just have my mommy tie mine for me. Then I don’t have to worry about doing it right.

You don’t have a mommy remember.

You were put together from various other dead people :slight_smile:

So do all their mommy’s tie your shoes?

Greg is due for an avatar change soon (in about n weeks, I estimate). Then people are going to look at this thread and see a daisy in his avatar – and think you are really mean because the reference is lost.


aaa.bmp (580 KB)

I have all way tied my shoes that way.

Why are we talking about how we tie are shoes

It’s something out of the ordinary most likely. :smiley:

Oh, yes. Thank you. But I was just looking out for you, actually. Now future generations will know what you were talking about.