Slight? With mass illegal imprisonment, widespread torture, massive domestic eavesdropping, quelling of dissent? From center to extreme right, this is a slight change to you?!?
The world wasn’t in nearly as much trouble.
Bill Clinton was a d!ckhead, and, in a way, I blame him for our current state of affairs. He singlehandedly (single-organned-ly) cemented many people’s opinion against the democratic party with his philandering.
But Clinton was making science and the interchange of different viewpoints the basis of his decisions toward medical matters, the environment, dependence on foriegn oil, and especially global warming.
Bush & Co. had a chance to lead a push for true, meaningful fossil fuel conservation after 911, with his approval rating of 90%. Instead, they said things like “the jury’s still out on global warming” and “go out, spend, travel”. They prevented better mileage legislation which would have done much more for our country’s gluttonous oil dependence than all the oil in ANWAR and now we’re buying hybrids from overseas. This is all incredibly illogical, until you consider the alliances and close ties between the Bush family oil and arms partnerships with the Saudis (literally with Bin Laden’s relatives) via the Carlysle Group and the huge oil companies.
We’re now in a war in Iraq, not Afghanistan, (where Al Qaeda was centered), nor in Saudi Arabia, (one of the most oppresive regimes in the world who are financing Al Qaeda with our oil money). Again, please show me logic here, unless you consider that Mr. Cheney, by far the most powerful VP ever, has been planning to invade Iraq (2nd most oil of any nation) since they came to office in 2000. (He still won’t release details or attendees of his “energy task force” meetings.)
JC, this is why your support for Bush baffles me, as you are obviously extremely well-read and logic-minded in all (other) topics. If you respond to this post, please tell me the logic or reason you still support this approach to the foreign-oil dependence that is such a bane to the US.
Re: Clinton…
If you’re still reading this far down, please compare Bush & Co.'s actions, which have directly led to tens of thousands of deaths and otherwise ruined lives, to what you consider the worst thing Bill Clinton ever did.