do you juggle

when you ride a unicycle. I dont and never will
1-becus i would feel like a clown
2-Theres no way in hell could i juggle and ride a unicyle at the same time

I don’t do it at the same time.
The person that posted in your RSU thread is helpless.

I learned in circus school

I learned to do it in circus school. Having said that I think it would make a good t-shirt!

Yes, I ordered juggling scarves along w/ my first uni, a 24" DX. I always wanted to juggle, but it didn’t seem possible for me, but I had heard it was easier to learn w/ scarves, so when I saw them I got them.

I think it helps my uni riding. I practiced both everyday, but after a week I got kind of discouraged w/ the uni, so I just juggled. Every day I could ride a bit better by the end of my practice session (usually 1 hr, twice per day) than the end of the previous session, but always started off worse.

After 3 days of juggling practice and no uni, I got back on the uni. Instantly I could ride better than the end of my last practice session. To be onest I was quite surprised that I could get better w/o practicing and the only thing I can think of that could have had an influence is the 1.5 hrs I juggled over those 3 days.

If you are talking about me I just redirected someone who didn’t know better. It seems he isn’t talking about simultaniusly w/ unicycling.

Let’s see:

The original topic said

do you juggle

It seems to me as though he was talking simultaniusly.

I can juggle balls and a bit of clubs while riding. I still have to learn to idle properly, so I can juggle while idling

Which thread is the main now?:smiley: