Never two tired.
“where theres a wheel, theres a way!” phil sanders
Hmm…sounds familiar! hehehehe!
I should post the video clip I have from 1997 promoting MUni Weekend where I used that phrase. But it would get me ejected from here and into the EPU (excessive pun usage) thread…
BTW, noticing the spelling error in the thread title, I thought a moto was a heat in a motocross race.
but i am a fan of “lose the training wheel”
Yeah you’re right; I didn’t catch that lol! Or “quasimoto”.
“Do better.”
My riding buddy always says, “What’s the worst that could happen?” He apparently thinks of this phrase in an optimistic light, whereas I tend to actually think of things like broken bones, ambulances, life flights, etc.
“it’s ok if you suck as long as someone is with you that sucks harder”
Go big, or go home !!
I’m sure it doesn’t quite count as a moto, sue me.
I use it to welcome new members to the forum and I used to use it to greet new riders who just managed to ride the length of the hall where we used to meet in Johannesburg.
“That’s one more of us, and one less of them.”
Well…I made it this far.
One UPD is too many.
i have two both of which apply to most things in life
“act don’t think…” life is improv you can’t spend too much time thinking about how you’re going to do something you just have to go for it.
the second is more a mindset than a motto and goes along with the above.
if you are seriously considering trying something, whether it be a gap, an up, a downhill, or whatever. if you are looking at it going “i really want to try this i know i can” then you already have the necessary skills to complete it sucessfully otherwise your body wouldn’t even let your mind seriously consider trying it.
I think I can
I think I can, I think I can… said the little train that could.
Those who say they can, and those who say they can’t - are both right.
Practice makes practice.
thats it! if we just “Do better” we wont get hurt, will we jerrick…
Nope, because when we do better, we land it, and we all know that if we land it, we wont get hurt.
FALSE!!! what if you do a suicide mount badly but still land it?
i like: half the bike, twice the man. i heard that on here recently
and also the quote in my signiture