Do we have any unschoolers here?

Because of my business, I seem to come into contact with many homeschool kids. For the most part they seem to be the most well adjusted kids I know. There will always be exceptions, just like in public school. I knew many kids that were painfully bashful in school growing up that had never been homeschooled. I don’t even think it existed when I was in school. My friend who has his daughters in the private school are very popular, and the oldest tested the highest of any applicant in the history of that school. They are bright, well adjusted and popular. That may have more to do with the way they were brought up, then who taught them.

I could have sworn I was the only homeschooled one around the forums! Last year I was in a school which did the same thing we do now at home, except at school on 7 hours(apparently the school was saving us time, because school normally takes place for 8 hrs., but it only takes 2 hrs. aprox. at home…) and the teachers…well, they didn’t know 5th grade math or 3rd grade English…teaching seventh grade! Basically they just give you the books, you read 'em, do the work, they do not a lot…One of my friends said she didn’t wanna get home schooled because it was anti-social…well, I wouldn’t say being stuck with these…wall things on both sides and in front of you(and not being able to turn your head at any time) was NOT anti-social…

When I was homeschooled (through 8th grade) I was unschooled hardcore, and it seems to have worked. Now maybe that’s cause my parents are smart and I have "good genes"or some such, but I think it’s a great plan. I didn’t read the thread, since it’s late for me and I wanna sleep, but just thought I’d put in a positive comment. I like unschooling. My brother, who’s a freshman in HS is still unschooled, and he’s a video game developer, got his own website, is collaborating with people from all over the world on various projects, etc. He’s awesome, smart, never did a lick of school.

Anyways, end that shameless plug. Disagree if you will.

sorry, had to respond.

I went to school because I wanted more social interaction and I wanted team sports. (cross country). I’m more or less an extrovert, but I did have some problems fitting in, and I still do. I don’t think that this is a crippling problem though, and I do know that I was (when I was 12, 13 or so) a lot better at communicating with random adults than anyone else I or my parents had met. Depends on who you are though, and I don’t think going to pub. school is going to really change much of that side of a person’s character. There are plenty of introverted people who don’t know what to do who have been going to school all their lives.

Shameless woud be posting the website.:smiley: So what is it?

What are you saying, with the winkie smilie? That people with college degrees know where to spray the poison and find the roaches? That’s it’s now covered as a required course at the university in Georgia?

Plenty get thru YEARS in public school who cannot survive a day at an actual job.

When does THE SYSTEM decide the kids are actually just truant?? [If they are…]

School pretty much sucks but if I had the choice I would still rather do it than be homeschooled (well most of the time).
Lately it has really sucked because I would pretty much wake up at 6:00am go to school until 12:20 then come home and start homework maybe around 1:30 and do it until midnight when I go to sleep and then wake up and go to school again.