Do not even THINK about this thread

In the great time-honored tradition of pointless threads, I offer this one…

Do not even THINK about this thread.

When you see it in the list, turn your mind IMMEDIATELY to something else. Do not harbor thoughts of this thread. Not even for an instant.

Here’s a sample (this is you, thinking out loud).

Let’s click on Just Conversation.
Oh, dear! There’s that thread.
Um, sunny days! Furry animals. Unicycles.
Must think… of… something… else.
Thread. No!
Pizza. Cokers. La, la, la. What’s that song?

See? Pointless thread? Interesting mind game?
You decide.

(the “don’t think about it” rule is waived if you need to post here)

Thank you, now go think about something else.

Dave Lowell (uni57)

You assume my brain is turned on when reading everyone else’s posts… :slight_smile:


It’s working! It’s working! This thread is a raging success! Nobody is thinking about it…

(my work here is done…)

Dave Lowell (uni57)

What are we not supposed to be thinking about? Can you remind me, because I seem to have a mental block as to what we’re not thinking about. How can I not think about it if I don’t know what it is that I’m not thinking about?
In conclusion, I look good in red.

butt dance butt dance butt dance

i don’t care. that’s all i’m going to not say because i’m not thinking about anything.

About what?


are you suggesting there’s something to think about?! because there’s not. nihil.

I thought about something once…

Methinks you’ve taken an overbroad interpretation of this thread. We do encourage thinking! By all means, go right ahead… Think away. But just not about… <Dave assumes a blank stare…> Yeah, so anyway, have a nice day or something! :slight_smile:

Dave Lowell (uni57)

I’m still back… :slight_smile:

I don’t. My head hurts… I try to avoid thinking unless absolutely necessary. It’s a jolly good job I’m such a genius I can appear to be thinking even though I’m not! Phew! :smiley:


to be or not to be that is the question? is this thread working or is the thread not supposed to work but it is working in a way it is supposed to? what do you suppose is the anwer to the riddle of this thread? does it work or is it nt supposed to work like a working thread?



Dave Lowell (uni57)