Do nipples grow back?

i have had this at work all week


  • yes they grow back if you remove them
  • no the dont grow back

i have interneted it and found different answers, most of the negative. But a fellow i work with seems intensly positive they do and that it happened to his friend.

oh calamity.

Edit: even though i dont think they do, a little part of me really wants this to be true. Imagine the possibilities.

I’ve had two friends who have had their breasts removed this year due to cancer.

One chose to go through painful surgery to have new nipples made from skin removed from elsewhere on her body. She was off work for weeks.

The other chose not to have that part of the operation, saying that only her husband would ever notice, and that he was just glad to still have what was left of her.

No, they don’t grow back. Move on now.


case closed.

Well why on the topic of nipples, I’m going to set the new world record for longest nipple hair. I’m over 3/4 of the way. Cheer me on.

May your hair follicles ever be strong.

Just out of curiosity, what is the world record?

A much more tasteful subject. :wink:

But remember what the Vikings believed happened to people with abnormally hairy nipples when they died.

They went to Nippleheimr.


HHAHA i love the nipple hair convo

i ws wondering this my self for a while ,thanks for the thread