diy cnc mill

im making my own computer numerical cutter, or cnc mill. it will hopefully cut and shape stuff like foam and wood. if anyones made one id like to hear about it.

Good luck with that!

Hack-a-day had a few on there.

i know engadget did one but i found it overcomplicated and expensive. using bearings etc on their rails. mine is slightly dodgier. so far ive only spent like 50 bucks AUS. and with that ive almost built the entire mill. electronics etc will be a little more.


well so far ive built the mill and tried some electronics. the motor drivers are too weak so im buying a driver/controller kit from the usa. the current kit is being modifyed to fit my automated coilgun. pictures coming later today.

Neat project.

I once traced out an NC program by hand. Actually that was a homework assignment for a manufacturing engineering class.

I did some CNC programming for a small mill at Boeing during an internship. Used the language APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) to program the machine.

i think ill be using g-code. but i hope to get most of it done by the cad/cam package.