Distance Questions!

I’m looking into distance riding, and want to know what I’m getting into, so I’m taking an unofficial census for the good of myself and whoever else wants to know this.

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
d.) How long did it take you?

Thanks a bunch!

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
38 miles

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
Been riding for over 30 years

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
36" wheel

d.) How long did it take you?
3 hours 50 minutes

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day? 85 miles

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it? I’d been riding for almost two years, and distance training for several months.

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel? 36"

d.) How long did it take you? All day. (I don’t exactly remember.)

A.What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a uni in one day?
i have ridden 20Miles in Moab

B. How much experience before i rode this distance?
I have been riding about a year and a little over a half

C. how big was ur uni’s wheel?

D. HOw long did it take you?
4 hours wich is not bad at all in Moab. I dont want to braig but i was one of the first one’s out of the trail. Before Kris and all of everyone! hehehe

About 18 miles.

About 9 months of regular rides of a few miles, including one 10 miles bicycle time trial and a 16.5 mile semi-XC expedition (although I had to walk miles of the offroad).

Haven’t done any particular distance training, it’s something I’m just getting into.


Ummm. Somewhere in 3-5 hours, I think, but it included some impromtu maintenance and a stop at a pub. And I was on the phone for several miles of it, which may have slowed me down a bit by diverting my concentration :wink:

This ride absolutely killed my knees - particularly my left one. And because it wasn’t actually planned, I didn’t have food or water with me. I’d suggest if you’re riding long distances you take water / energy drink and some food (Soreen is supposed to be good) with you.

Don’t overextend yourself, try to build up your distance riding gradually. Otherwise if you could end up far from home and too tired / bored / injured to ride back. (on that last ride, I found my knee started hurting quite a long way from home, and I had no choice but to cycle back. It was much worse by the end of the journey).

Make sure the saddle height is adjusted correctly (and that you’ve got a comfy saddle). Make sure the tyre is inflated correctly for the terrain you’re riding, etc etc.

A friend of mine rode 25 miles on a 20" (!!!) but that was a bit silly, and not an entirely pleasant experience for him I think.

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
40 miles

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
Exactly 1 year, 1 day after I first bought a unicycle (ie yesterday)

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
36"; just received it five days prior

d.) How long did it take you?
About five hours, which included a little over an hour for a lunch break

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?

A little over 75 km (50 miles)

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?

About 11 months

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?

20" (don’t try this). It was a geared-up Schwinn Giraffe.

d.) How long did it take you?

Way too long. We were the first to start on that 1980 March of Dimes charity ride in Detroit, and the last to finish.

Yesterday I rode my Coker about 37 miles, inlcuding what was probably my longest-ever nonstop ride, a little over 10 miles, starting at 6300’ and ending around 6900’.

distance: 24-ish miles
experience: ~2.5 years
wheel: 24 muni
time: 6-ish hours.

it was 4 laps on a roughly 6 mile mtn bike course during a 24 hours race. it had tons of steep ups and downs. very tiring.

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
378.7km. Although you could say I rode 0km, since I ended up where I started.

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
36", 100mm and 110mm cranks

d.) How long did it take you?

Okay, who’s next?

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
100k on 24" wheel and 105.5 on 36" wheel

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
1 year for the first one and 2 years for the second one.

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
24"/152mm cranks and 36"/125mm cranks

d.) How long did it take you?
17 hours incl. breaks (Riding time 10 hours…Got stopped by the cops at 3 a.m.) and the other ride maybe 6 hours<<riding time(excl. breaks)

53 miles on a Coker; about the same on a 28.

I’d owned a unicycle for 15 years but been riding seriously for about 2-4 years.

Average riding speeds in the region of 8-9 mph.

Re: Distance Questions!

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 19:59:23 -0500, thaifoodguy wrote:

The answers refer to a documented ride. I may have made longer ones
but not more than 25 - 30 km.

>a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
20.5 km (12 3/4 miles)
>b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have
>before you did it?
4 years
>c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
>d.) How long did it take you?
Moving time 83 minutes, total rest 31 minutes.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“I’m slowly but surely stealing Wales and bringing it back to my house on the wheel, frame and cranks of my muni. - phil”

I’m getting better - but I have help from somebody special

The most I have done in one day was about 30 miles (29.6), but I’m working on doing more. Jesus gives me the strength and the courage to get better every day.

i rode 22km in about 3 hours on a 20", hence it took me so long. i had been riding for about 1 month

a) 12 miles.
b) About 14 months.
c) 29"
d) 3 hours (but only 2 were travelling time).

I could have ridden longer except I needed food and didn’t have any with me. Now ofcourse (due to certain other threads) I take my maltloaf everywhere with me. Slight saddle soreness by the end.

Now that I’ve got a coker I aim to ride much more distance stuff.


Distance riding

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
12 miles
b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
41 years after I first rode one but there was a lot of non-riding time in between.
c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
d.) How long did it take you?
I don’t recall but I averaged 6.5 mph.

I rode five miles last night. It was my first ride of any length following knee surgery 6 weeks ago. The knee is essentially shot and the next step is a knee replacement. It held up fine but my lower back bothered me quite a bit. Also, I need to lose about ten pounds. I really struggled climbing hills and stopped to rest a lot. I had contemplated riding 60 km on my 60th birthday in October but it’s clear I’m going to have to do some serious training.

a.) What is the longest you’ve ever ridden on a unicycle in one day?
104 miles

b.) How many years, months, weeks, whatever of experience did you have before you did it?
5 years 11 months 2 weeks

c.) How big was your unicycle’s wheel?
36" wheel 110mm cranks

d.) How long did it take you?
9 hrs 51 mins including all rests for 100 miles of it, dunno about the other miles, 2.5 miles was riding to the start point, the other 1.5 miles was riding to the train station at the end.

I think the first proper long like over 50 mile distance ride I did was London to Chichester on a coker, which was about 65 miles, and took me all day. I’d been riding a bit under 2 years by then.

The longest continous ride I’ve done was just under 150 miles, including a 25 mile detour to get an ice cream sundae. That took 1 and a half days though and I didn’t ride quite as fast because I had my sleeping gear with me and wasn’t in a hurry (I think it was 11 hours for the first 96 miles). That was on a Schlumpf geared uni in high gear all the way, although it’d have been just the same on a coker with 110 cranks.

Soreen and energy drink gives me the strength and courage to ride this far! Thank the Soreen.


a) 52 miles

b) been riding for 4 years had a coker for 1 and a bit.

c) Schlumpf 29’er with 150 cranks…Not in high gear all the way though there were some pretty grande hills in the first 20 miles.

d) 6 hours

I don’t have a cyclometer on any of my unicycles, and I tend not to do distance rides on small wheels, so I can’t really answer your questions. However, I can tell you this:

I’ve been doing training on my road bike recently ( :astonished: ) until my Coker gets here (:D). The trick to distance riding is to just go out and do it. When I’ve been working up my comfortable distance to ride in a day, I’ll plan out a route, and ride it. If it feels too rough I’ll just turn back when I start feeling tired (50km away from home and hitting the wall is no fun). Bring some water and bananas and enjoy the trip. Obviously, the more you ride, the further you’ll be able to comfortably go. In addition, the more you ride, the more you’ll make excuses to go out and ride. It’s a blast :slight_smile: